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在有些部门,人们遇到执法不公或有案不查时,往往束手无策。为杜绝这种现象,湖北省襄阳县工商局率先在全省工商系统实行了“执法责任制”和“错案追究制”。群众遇到执法不规范时,可据此理直气壮地向执法者讨个公道。去年5月,一名外地个体户觉得工商部门对他的检查不公。 In some sectors, people often find themselves at a loss if they encounter unfair enforcement or misdemeanor. In order to put an end to this phenomenon, Xiangyang County Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Hubei Province took the lead in implementing the “Law Enforcement Responsibility System” and “Misjudged Petty System” in the province’s business system. When the masses encounter irregularities in law enforcement, they can justifiably seek justice from law enforcement officials. Last May, a field self-employed worker felt that the inspection by the commercial and industrial department was unfair to him.
On September 12th, US President BarackObama decided to impose a 3-year tariff onimported China-made tire. In the first year,it will be set at 35%, the second y
September 8th, 2009 marked the official openingof Rhein Chemie LOA (Qingdao) Ltd., thecompany’s new production facility for lubricantadditives in Qingdao, Chi
Kailuan Group Co., Ltd. and Beijing GasIndustrial Co., Ltd. have agreed to restruc-ture Tangshan Zhongrun Coal ChemicalCompany and Tangshan Jiahua Coal Chemi-c
Sodium metal with strong reducibility is used to manufacture tetraethyl lead-an antiknock agent used in gasoline. After the use of leaded gasoline wasbanned, s
是的,我们心中的那个天使,始终在半空里,微笑俯视着我们,从来,都没有将我们放弃。    1    当我站在门口的走廊上,一眼瞥见被老师厌烦地推出邻班教室的丁小美时,我就知道,在这个小城里。我以后不会孤单了。  下课后,丁小美不等老师说完让她写检讨的警告,便飞奔过来,厚着脸皮将我抱住,说,嘿,安西西,你的站功比我厉害多啦,你瞧,我小腿都肿了呢。我低头看着她漂亮的小腿上故意掐红的一片,忍不住捏捏她不怎
【正】 GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Limited (HK:3800), a leading integrated green energy en-terprise in China, announced on July 31 stthat it has completed the acqu
PVC (polyvinyl chloride) futures enteredDalian Commodity Exchange on May 25th,2009. Many PVC producers are already activelyinvolved today. They plan to compens