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阳春县针对地处山区和工业落后的客观实际,把握机遇,仅去年起实施“工业兴县”战略,大抓工业、大上项目,使该县经济发展迈出了大步,使经济建设格局大为改观。据统计,从去年初到今年9月底止,全县新上项目16个,总投资额8亿元,已有48个项目建成投产,新增产值8.25亿元,创税利9140万元,值得欣喜的是,该县还涌现出一批利用外资规模大、技术质量高、经济效益看好的项目,如投资2354万美元,年产锦纶丝1500吨的春华锦纶丝厂;投资350 Yangchun County targeted the objective reality of being located in the mountains and industrial backwardness, seized the opportunity, implemented the strategy of “prospering the county with industry” only last year, and seized the industrial and big projects to make the county’s economic development take a big step and make the economic construction pattern Greatly improved. According to statistics, from the beginning of last year to the end of September this year, the county had 16 new projects, a total investment of 800 million yuan, 48 projects have been completed and put into production, the new output value of 825 million yuan, a tax profit of 9140 million yuan, worthy of joy The county has also emerged a number of projects that use large amounts of foreign capital, high technology quality, and good economic results, such as investment of 23.54 million US dollars, an annual output of 1,500 tons of nylon filament Chunhua nylon filament yarn factory; investment 350
我公司是国家五部委确定为推行项目法施工试点企业,在项目法施工中对工程项目实行全额承包办法,取得较好经济效益和社会效益。 一、项目全额承包基本模式 实行工程项目全额
Recently the newly-appointed Director-General Zhang Renwei, Bureau of the China Building-Material Industry, introduced to reporters the situation and developme
装机容量(Gw)发电量(〔奋kwh)能源消耗国家或地区火电}水电}核电l地热}总计火电{水电}核电}地热}总计 总计(Gkwh) 世界 前苏联 亚洲 阿富汗 孟加拉 巴林 文莱 不丹 越南 香港