A Study on Conversational Implicature in Modern Family from the Perspective of the Cooperative Princ

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The American linguistic philosopher Grice proposed the important “Conversational Implicature Theory” in the lecture at Harvard University in 1967, and its related theories reveal language norms to guide the two sides of conversation in the process of communication. It contains a series of maxims which help both sides of the conversation to accomplish the dialogue smoothly. So the Cooperative Principle is one of the important guides for people’s speech communication. Under the guidance of CP, implicating meaning comes out, Grice calls that Conversational Implicature(CI), when speakers violate the maxims of CP on purpose. CP, as a discipline mediating between linguistics and audiovisual criticisms, has gathered more attention in recent years from scholars in the area of audiovisual criticism as well as audiovisual studies. Application has been wider and wider. Through the analysis of dialogues between characters in the work and discussion about the comprehension of the whole meaning in communications, the listeners could get through the literal meaning to the deeper intention. So the real intention of the speaker violating the Cooperative Principle can be found and the sense of humor can be shown. The American linguistic philosopher Grice proposed the important “Conversational Implicature Theory” in the lecture at Harvard University in 1967, and its related statements reveal language norms to guide the two sides of conversation in the process of communication. It contains a series of maxims which help both sides of the conversation to accomplish the dialogue smoothly. So the Cooperative Principle is one of the important guides for people’s speech communication. Under the guidance of CP, implicating meaning comes out, Grice calls that Conversational Implicature (CI), when speakers violate the maxims of CP on purpose. CP, as a discipline mediating between linguistics and audiovisual criticisms, has gathered more attention in recent years from scholars in the area of ​​audiovisual criticism as well as audiovisual studies. Application has been wider and wider. Through the analysis of dialogues between characters in the work and discussion about the comprehension of the whole meaning in communications, the listeners could get through the literal meaning to the deeper intention. So the real intention of the speaker violating the Cooperative Principle can be found and the sense of humor can be shown.
【摘要】“目的论”认为翻译方法与翻译策略由翻译的预期目的决定,在开展英语翻译工作时,译者必须遵循目的法则、忠实忠诚法则以及连贯性法则,不同的行业英语翻译具有不同的特点,在翻译过程中要运用不同的规则。本文以商务英语翻译为例,阐述基于“目的论”的英语翻译途径探讨。  【关键词】目的论 英语翻译 商务英语 途径  随着世界一体化、经济全球化进程的加快,不同国家间的商贸往来越来越频繁,商务英语翻译在国际经
【摘要】廣告通常用簡洁的言语表达丰富的内容并使人们快速了解产品。其运行机制便是是语用预设。具体而言,这归功于语用预设的两个特殊性:合适性和共知性。这些特征使得广告更具有说服力。本文通过对所收集的最新广告语料中语用预设的特征、功能和分类的分析来探究广告用语中的运行机制,从而帮助人们更好地明白广告的用意,防止陷入广告的花言巧语之中。  【关键词】广告 语用预设 语用预设分类及功能  【Abstract