
来源 :粮油加工与食品机械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:naeauty
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1、试制的气流式水直播机深播包裹稻种可避免输种管堵塞,效果较好。2、在种箱和排种器不密封情况下,在水平管进风一侧设计缩孔,产生压力差,有助于稻种落下。3、用气流输送稻种时的混合比小,气流速度超过18米/秒,稻种在输种管内流动均匀。4、为了使包裹稻种陷入土中,稻种速度必须在10米/秒以上。为了防止堵塞输种管,气流速度必须在17米/秒以上。为了防止气流冲散土壤和稻种,气流速度必须在25米/秒以下。5、舀出式排种器可用排种量调节板稳定地控制排种置。6、舀出式排种器,只要精心设计种轮小槽的形状,即使排种轮和外壳的间隙小,也不损伤包裹稻种。7、定量式种子分配器,不论安装角度如何,把对角线上的支管排出的稻种分别相加,大体上能把稻种均分成两部分。8、定比式种子分配器,可根据分隔角的大小,从气送的稻种中分离出一定比例的稻种。 1, the trial of the air-borne water-borne deep-parcel rice seedlings can avoid the transmission tube plugging, the effect is better. 2, in the case of seed boxes and seeding is not sealed case, the side of the horizontal tube into the wind side of the shrink hole design, resulting in pressure difference, contribute to the rice species fall. 3, the flow of rice seed when the mixing ratio is small, the air flow rate over 18 m / s, rice seed in the transmission tube flow evenly. 4, in order to trap the rice into the soil, the speed of rice must be more than 10 m / s. In order to prevent plugging the feed tube, the gas velocity must be above 17 m / s. In order to prevent the airflow to disperse soil and rice seeds, the air velocity must be below 25 m / s. 5, scoop-out type seed metering device can be used to regulate the row of stalks to control the row of planting. 6, scoop out type seeder, as long as the well-designed small round slot shape, even if the gap between the seed wheel and the shell is small, it does not damage the package of rice. 7, quantitative seed distributor, no matter how the installation point of view, the diagonal branches of the rice species were added, respectively, in general, the rice can be divided into two parts. 8, than the proportion of seed distributor, according to the size of the separation angle, from the air to send a certain percentage of rice seed isolated.
空气动力是 IH400CYCLO 播种机的核心。它是一个完全新的概念,是一种特殊的播种方式。受控气流把种籽从主种籽箱携走并长距离地送到种植沟内,等距地深浅一致地播下(见图1)。
一、灌区内灌、排水量的依据 灌区用水量的增加与减少,影响地下水位的上升和下降。要使地下水位保持在适当深度,就必须使灌区的来水量和耗水量达到平衡。来水量大于耗水量,
壤耕耘作业中,拖拉机发动机的动力主要消耗于克服犁耕阻力所作的机械功上。为了合理地利用发动机的功率和节省燃料,必须研究犁耕阻力的来源,并探讨其降低的办法。 降低犁耕