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土星V运载火箭的制导和控制系统相当复杂,单个结构系统的可靠性不足以满足任务要求。因此,为了取得理想的可靠性,就要在此系统中采用各种类型和不同水平的重复技术。作为最低水平的重复技术,是将系统中的基本元件(电阻、电容和继电器等)串联、并联或进行四重重复安排,来确保系统在可能出现故障的情况下能继续工作。作为最高水平的重复技术,是采用完整的备份分系统,以便在主系统发生故障情况下,使用备份的分系统。此外,还有许多各种中间水平的重复方案和技术。本文介绍了各种基本重复方案,以便读者对各种重复技术的优点有所了解。文中介绍了应用这些重复技术的要点和方法。还从理论上估算了采用重复技术所提高的可靠性,并把重复系统和单个结构系统进行了比较。本文最后还讨论了重复技术在实际应用中所碰到的问题和限制条件。还讨论了检验重复线路正确工作的各种技术。本文还概述了土星V制导和控制系统,作为讨论应用重复技术的背景。 Saturn V launch vehicle guidance and control system is quite complex, single-system reliability is not enough to meet the mission requirements. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired reliability, it is necessary to adopt various types and levels of repetition in this system. As the lowest level of repetition, basic elements (resistors, capacitors, relays, etc.) in the system are connected in series, in parallel or in quadruple repetitions to ensure that the system continues to operate in the event of a potential failure. As the highest level of repetition technology, a complete backup subsystem is used to enable the use of a backup subsystem in the event of a primary system failure. In addition, there are many different levels of repetitive programs and technologies. This article describes a variety of basic repetitive solutions for readers to understand the advantages of various repetitive techniques. The article describes the application of these repetitive techniques and methods. It also theoretically estimates the increased reliability with repetitive techniques and compares repetitive systems to single structural systems. Finally, this article also discusses the problems and limitations encountered in the practical application of the repetitive technology. Various techniques for testing the correct operation of a repeating line are also discussed. This article also outlines the Saturn V guidance and control system as a background to discussing the application of repetitive techniques.
一、导言 1980年5月阿里安运载火箭的第二次飞行试验失败以后,欧洲空间局和法国国家空间研究中心组成了“火箭故障调查小组”,就LO_2试飞失败的原因进行调查研究。他们首先
本文着重介绍了KTJC-1设备的总体结构、工作原理、主要功能及通用性。此外,对本设备中的双重三积分表及双轴磁芯存贮器作了简单介绍。 This article focuses on the KTJC-1