吴秀林烈士,1958年生,上海市松江县人。1977年1月加入中国人民解放军,1978年加入共青团。1979年3月4日,在参加对越自卫反击作战中,舍已救人,英勇牺牲。部队党委追认他为中国共产党正式党员,并追记一等功。 (一) 越南霸权主义在我边境疯狂地进行军事挑畔,占我领土,杀我边民。消息传来,全国人民义愤填膺。吴秀林同志怀着对越寇的深仇大恨,多次向部队党组织申请,要求上前线惩罚越南侵略者。他咬破手指,用鲜血写下了“要在战斗中杀敌立功,用自己的生命誓
Wu Xiulin martyr, born in 1958, Songjiang County, Shanghai. January 1977 joined the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, 1978 joined the Communist Youth League. March 4, 1979, in participating in the Vietnam self-defense counterattack operations, homes have been saved, heroically sacrificed. The army party committees ratified him as a full member of the Communist Party of China and wrote down the first-class merit. (I) Vietnamese hegemony fought a military maneuver on my side of the border, occupying my territory and killing my countrymen. As the news came, people across the country were filled with indignation. Comrade Wu Xiu-lin, with his deep hatred of the Vietnamese aggressors, applied to the military party organizations on many occasions and demanded that they punish Vietnam aggressors on the front line. He bites his finger and writes in blood. ”To fight the meritorious service in battle, vow with his own life