创建国际品牌 构建和谐社会——访青岛世邦高级服饰有限公司总经理潘柯如女士

来源 :招商周刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ramondwang
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齐鲁之邦,不仅有着厚重的文化气息,更是道德理论的发源地。礼重德高的淳朴民风哺育出无数的文人志士,英雄豪杰,历史的车轮飞转至今,科技发展了、社会进步了、生活水平提高了。一切都发生了翻天覆地的变化。惟独没变的是文明的礼仪,道德的伦理。孔孟之道的精髓依然警醒着山东儿女,崇尚文明、与时俱进、勤勉奋斗、不甘人后。在这礼仪之邦土生土长的潘柯如总经理,就是呼吸这充盈着仁义道德的空气成长起来的。刚过而立之年的她,已有一番骄人的成绩。采访前虽已做了一些了解,已有初步印象,见了面还是使我大吃一惊。规模诙弘、实力雄厚、产品优质、家喻户晓的世邦高级服饰有限公司的总经理,竟是一位如此年轻,靓丽的女性。她的年轻,是让你很难相信如此的年龄,怎会有十余年在商海的中流击水破浪飞舟的历程;她的靓丽,囊括了漂亮女人的所有内涵与外延;周身充满了活力,是很青春的那种活力。举手投足之间,无不透出飒爽英姿的飘逸;随意的音容笑貌之中,荡漾着朝气蓬勃的阳光。如此时尚、靓丽、淑女的青春女性怎能与在偌大的公司中运筹帏幄、决胜千里的总经理形象联系在一起。可事实证明,她就是把刚与柔凝聚在一起,把美丽的随意与决策者的庄严重叠。创造了巾帼不让须眉的,又一个令男人汗颜的真实神话。有多少好男儿“三十而立”之年而 Qilu state, not only has a heavy cultural atmosphere, but also the birthplace of moral theory. Etiquette polite honest manners nurture countless literati, heroics, the history of the wheel fly so far, science and technology development, social progress, improved living standards. Everything has undergone tremendous changes. But the only thing that has not changed is civilized etiquette, moral ethics. The essence of Confucius and Mencius still alert the sons and daughters of Shandong, advocating civilization, advancing with the times, working diligently and unwillingly. Pan Keru, who is a native of this ceremonial state, grew up breathing the air of righteousness and virtue. She has had some impressive results in the early years. Although I had made some preliminary understandings before the interview, I had an initial impression that I was still taken aback by the meeting. Scale-humorous, strong, high-quality products, well-known world-class senior Garments Co., Ltd. General Manager, was actually such a young, beautiful women. She is young, it is hard for you to believe that such an age, how can there be more than ten years in the midst of the sea, the history of heroes; her beautiful, including all the beautiful woman’s connotation and extension; whole body full of vitality, is Very energetic youth. Between gestures, all are full of valiant and heroic graceful; casual sound and smile, rippling vibrant sun. Such fashion, beautiful, ladies and young women how to operate in a large company foolhardy, winning a thousand miles of the general manager of the image linked. Facts have proved that she is just with the soft condensate together, the beautiful random and solemn decision makers overlap. Create a towel 帼 disdain for men, but also a real man ashamed of myth. How many good men “thirty and set up ” year
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