使用说明 (1)此索引系本刊1987年各期刊载的主要文献的主题索引。 (2)主题索引以《中医药主题词表》(高等医学院校编写组编写)为标引工具书,并根据其标引规则标引,每篇文献标引一个或多个主题词。 (3)主题词后面的顺序号系该文献所在期数和页码。例:补脾0210
Instructions for use (1) This index is the subject index of the main documents published in the journals of the journal in 1987. (2) Thematic indexing is based on the “Theme of Chinese Medicine Thesaurus” (written by the writing group of medical colleges and universities), and is indexed according to its indexing rules. Each document indexes one or more keywords. (3) The sequence number following the keyword is the period number and page number of the document. Example: Spleen 0210