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一、“科学发声法”是美声唱法的基础所谓“科学发声法”就是用科学的方法,把人最好的声音调动出来,做到高低、强弱、刚柔都能随心所欲的发声方法。这种发声法之所以“科学”,不仅因为它符合物理发声法的基本要求,即发声体通过发声源的外力打开发声通道产生共鸣并自然发出声音,更因为它科学地使用头腔、咽腔、胸腔这三个发生源,利用腹腔的呼吸,产生混合共鸣,能细腻地由喉咙和口腔抒发出某种情感以感染观众。这种发声法几百年来在欧洲完善而成为美声体系,一个世纪以来又传入我国,这便是目前我国流行的三种唱法之一——美声唱法。二、科学发声法同样适用于民族和通俗唱法既然科学发声法的核心是把喉咙打开,把共鸣调动起来,那么它和民族唱法就有了一些共同点,即气息畅通。所不同的是:虽然美声唱法与民族唱法都强调咬字,要把字交待清楚,但民族唱法多有类似戏曲那样的咬字,所谓“字正腔 First, the “scientific voice method” is the basis of the United Voice Singing The so-called “scientific voice method” is to use scientific methods to mobilize the best voice of people, so as to achieve the level of strength, strength and flexibility can be arbitrary voice method. The reason why this phonetic method “science”, not only because it meets the basic requirements of the physical sounding method, the sounding body through the sound source to open the sound channel resonance and natural sound, but because it scientifically use the head cavity, pharynx , Thorax these three sources, the use of abdominal breathing, mixed resonance, can be expressed by the throat and mouth to express some kind of emotion to infect the audience. This method of sounding, which has been perfected in Europe for hundreds of years and has become a sound system in the United States, has been introduced into our country for more than a century. This is one of the three singing methods prevailing in our country - the Bel Canto. Second, the scientific method of sounding the same applies to ethnic and popular singing Since the core of scientific sounding method is to open the throat, the resonance mobilized, then it and national singing have some common ground, that is breathless. The difference is: Although both the method of singing vocals and the methods of singing singles emphasize the words, it is necessary to make the words clear. However, there are many kinds of vocations in the national singing style that are similar to those in traditional operas. The so-called "
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