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伴随着经济的快速发展,人们逐步认识到环境保护的重要性。我国政府相继出台并落实系列环保政策,狠抓重污染企业的生产经营,其中印染企业是最关注的部分,因国内印染企业普遍设备落后技术陈旧,对企业当地周围的环境污染严重,危害百姓的日常生活与健康,因此有关印染企业的节能减排、技术创新、设备升级、产能优化等环保压力深受社会的高度关注。为了迎接2016年杭州G20峰会召开,中国政府迫使关停江浙地区的一些重污染企业,致使出现江苏、浙江或是说绍兴印染企业大量关停事件。国家利用G20峰会,推行“淘汰一批,关停一批,资产重组整合一批”系列措施,推动江浙地区印染业技术创新,设备更新,产能优化等,随之对印染企业财税筹划产生重大影响。本文简单分析环保政策对印染企业税务筹划的影响并提出相关建议。 With the rapid economic development, people are gradually realizing the importance of environmental protection. Our government has successively promulgated and implemented a series of environmental protection policies and paid close attention to the production and operation of heavily polluting enterprises. Among them, printing and dyeing enterprises are the most concerned part. As the domestic printing and dyeing enterprises are outdated in their technology, the environment around the enterprises is seriously polluted and endanger people Daily life and health. Therefore, environmental pressure on energy saving and emission reduction, technological innovation, equipment upgrading and capacity optimization of printing and dyeing enterprises has drawn great attention from the society. In order to meet the 2016 G20 summit in Hangzhou, the Chinese government forced some heavily polluting enterprises in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to be shut down, resulting in a large number of shutdowns in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces or Shaoxing printing and dyeing enterprises. Countries use the G20 summit to implement a series of measures such as “eliminating one batch, shutting down one batch and reorganizing a batch of assets” to promote technological innovation, equipment renewal and capacity optimization of the printing and dyeing industry in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces, followed by tax planning for printing and dyeing enterprises Tremendous influence. This article briefly analyzes the impact of environmental protection policies on the tax planning of printing and dyeing enterprises and puts forward relevant suggestions.
China’s urban population accounted for 52.57 percent of the country’s total by the end of 2012 according to the official figure. A large proportion of new urban residents are migrant workers who left