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目前,国务院有关部门正在抓紧制定有关西部大开发的若干政策实施意见及细则,经国务院批准后将颁布实行。西部大开发的政策将包括增加建设资金投入,要提高中央基本建设投资资金、长期建设国债资金用于西部地区的 At present, the relevant departments of the State Council are stepping up the formulation of the opinions and detailed rules on the implementation of certain policies concerning the large-scale development of the western region, which will be promulgated and implemented upon the approval of the State Council. Policies for the development of the western region will include increasing investment in construction funds, raising funds for capital construction of the central government and long-term construction of treasury bonds funds for the western region
88 - Sacro - Falco cherrug cherrug Gray, 1834 Il GIGLIOLI (1907 op. cit.) ha segnalato la cattura di una femmina attribuita a que-sta specie verificatasi il 15
九月中旬召开的 APEC 财长会议通过了部长联合声明等三份报告,并提交给10月份在上海举行的第九届亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议审议。 The APEC Finance Ministers’ Meeti
By this work the author gives a contribution to the speleological knowledge of Mt.Palossoand Mt.Doppo area(Brescia Lombardy)by considering the limestone terrai
帐篷是我们露营中最重要的东西,因为我们露营生活的乐趣会因为帐篷种类的不同而改变。露营者可依据露营目的、规模和活动内容,妥善选择所需的帐篷种类。   1、 首先看帐篷的
一、赞科夫生平列·符·赞科夫(1901~1977)是前苏联的心理学家、教育科学院院士、教育科学博士。赞科夫一生从事教育工作 ,1927年开始教育研究 ,从1950年起侧重研究普通教育学 ,1956年曾与凯洛夫一起
Geochemistry is a science dealing with the earth,and the chemical reactions,chemi-cal composition and chemical evolution in respect to its individual spheres.A
在提钒工艺中,将含钒生铁经钠化喷吹制得钒渣,其浸取液为制备钒酸铵的母液。浸取液呈强碱性,两价硫的存在量直接影响五价钒的收得率,因此测定两价硫有其实际意义。 一、浸取