高中物理实验复习指导 第一节实验设计

来源 :教学仪器与实验 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mynameiscaohaoxiang
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实验能力是高考考查的五种基本功能之一,因此在复习实验时,不仅要复习与实验有关的基本知识,更要注意提高实验能力。一般来说,实验复习应分为两个阶段,第一阶段,可针对考试说明中所规定考查的实验逐个进行复习,这一阶段的复习目的是:通过对每个实验的目的,器材,步骤和数据处理方法等等进行的复习,达到熟练掌握实验基本知识的技能的目的;第二阶段,在充分认识每个实验的基础之上,通过对比,总结,归纳,进一步发掘各个不同实验之间的区别和联系,总结出它们之间的共性问题,把对于具体知识的掌握,升华到对于实验的本质的认识,使自己能从宏观上把握实验的总体规划和内容。下面的两篇文章“实验设计”和“电学仪表的选择”便是从综合的角度,总结和归纳了设计实验,选择仪表的基本依据和原则,要求学生们会根据这些原则自主地设计实验和实际操作,学会创新,提高能力 Experimental ability is one of the five basic functions of the college entrance examination. Therefore, when reviewing experiments, it is necessary not only to review the basic knowledge related to the experiment, but also to increase the experimental ability. In general, the experimental review should be divided into two stages. In the first stage, the examinations specified in the examination instructions can be reviewed one by one. The purpose of this stage of review is to pass the purpose, equipment, steps for each experiment. The review of data processing methods, etc., achieves the purpose of mastering the basic knowledge of the experiment; the second stage, based on full understanding of each experiment, compares, summarizes, summarizes, and further explores between different experiments. The differences and connections between them summed up the common problems between them, sublimated the mastery of specific knowledge to the understanding of the nature of the experiment, and enabled him to master the overall plan and content of the experiment from a macro perspective. The following two articles, “Experimental Design” and “Selection of Electrical Instruments,” summarize and summarize the design experiments, the basic principles and principles for selecting instruments from a comprehensive perspective, and require students to independently design experiments based on these principles. Actual operation, learn innovation, improve ability
广西藤县教师进修学校龙文余老师问:“撤销”和“撤消”这组异形词,用哪个规范呢 ?一些有影响的书报刊物中,有的用“撤销”,有的用“撤消”,这又如何解释呢 ?  答:异形词,有的专家
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