
来源 :甘肃农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lynneselina
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近四十年的化学防治对保护农作物免受病虫威胁起到了积极的作用,但长期大量的使用化学农药也带来一系列的新问题,诸如污染环境、杀伤天敌、害虫产生抗药性等。因而迫使人们不得不从生态系统的观点出发,在生物界的食物链与食物网上寻找以菌治虫,以虫治虫的新途径,以期经济有效地防治虫害,保障人畜安全,发展农业生产。在农业部的统一布署和省、地业务部门的大力支持下,1980—1981年对我市天敌昆虫进 Nearly 40 years of chemical control have played a positive role in protecting crops from the threat of pests and diseases. However, the long-term use of chemical pesticides has also brought a series of new problems, such as environmental pollution, natural enemies, and pest resistance. Therefore, people are compelled to search for new ways of controlling insects and pests in the food chain and food web in the biological world from an ecosystem point of view, in order to economically and effectively control pests, ensure the safety of people and livestock and develop agricultural production. With the unified deployment of the Ministry of Agriculture and the strong support of the provincial and municipal departments, the natural enemies of our city
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麦水蝇(Hydrellia grisla Fallen)是我县为害麦类作物害虫之一。每当穗期,幼虫就蛀入叶鞘内为害,使叶鞘变成枯白色,受害重的麦地有虫株高达100%,一般在20—30%,减产10—15%左右