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这时,我的手机响了。我瞥了一眼来电显示,知道是梦妮卡打来的。看着站在我面前的陶陶,我的心里怦怦直跳。毕竟是另外一个女人打来的电话,我担心接了这通电话会引起陶陶的误会。一昨天很晚的时候,梦妮卡打来电话,她说要回国一趟。至于为什么回国,什么时候回国,又是什么时候返回美国,她没讲。她还说,她回国之前要和我一起吃个饭。我答 At this moment, my cell phone rang I glanced at the caller ID and I knew it was from Monika. Looked at the Tao Tao standing in front of me, my heart staggering. After all, the phone call from another woman, I am worried that taking this phone call will cause Tao Tao’s misunderstanding. A very late yesterday when the phone call, she said she would like to return home. She did not say as to why she returned to China, when she returned to the United States, and when she returned to the United States. She also said she would like to have a meal with me before returning home. I answer
目的探究在前列腺增生的临床治疗中应用经尿道汽化电切术的治疗效果以及安全性。方法 92例前列腺增生患者,结合患者接受诊治的先后顺序进行分组,将单号设定为对照组,双号设定
Arecent three-week visit to the UnitedStates after 18 months of workingand traveling in China allowed meto get back into an American swingof things. I spent time with friends and family,ate food I’d m
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Since uprooting myself from a sentimental hutong inside the SecondRing Road to the outlying outer eastFifth Ring Road about a month ago, Iam still in the process of acquainting myselfith the new surro
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近些年来,各省各地的文化产业发展规划铺天盖地。但细心观察一下,多是这样几类:一是文化产业的产值对GDP的贡献是多少,二是主导产业是什么,三是开辟了大面积的文化创意产业园。  无独有偶,人民网发布了云南省的文化产业十二五规划,其中明确提出了“文化產业GDP贡献要从6%上升至8%,主打文化演出、休闲娱乐、珠宝玉石等十大文化主导产业,十二五末,打造3至5个资产收入过百亿的文化企业”。上述这些,有的以前叫