Effect of austenitizing temperature on microstructure in 16Mn steel treated by cerium

来源 :International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liu_kun
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The change of inclusions and microstructure of 16Mn steel treated by Ce were observed,and the effect of austenitizing temperature on the microstructure was also examined.The results show that the inclusions are transformed from Si-Mn-Al composite oxide and MnS into AlCeO3,Ce2O2S,and MnS composite inclusions after being treated by Ce.Plenty of intragranular ferrites are formed in 16Mn steel containing~0.017wt% Ce.A large amount of intragranular acicular ferrites are formed after being austenitized for 20min at 1473 K.The prior austenite grain size fit for the formation of intragranular acicular ferrites is about 120μm. The change of inclusions and microstructure of 16Mn steel treated by Ce were observed, and the effect of austenitizing temperature on the microstructure was also examined.The results show that the inclusions were transformed from Si-Mn-Al composite oxide and MnS into AlCeO3, Ce2O2S , and MnS composite inclusions after being treated by Ce. Plenty of intragranular ferrites were formed in 16Mn steel containing ~ 0.017 wt% Ce. A large amount of intragranular acicular ferrites were formed after in austenitized for 20 min at 1473 K.The prior austenite grain size fit for the formation of intragranular acicular ferrites is about 120 μm.
一、实现辽北突破,必须在解放思想上寻求突破  发展无止境,思想解放也无止境。辽北实现突破思想解放是前提,必须坚定不移地把解放思想作为发展的第一道工序,以十七大精神为指导,进一步开拓思想解放新境界。刚刚踏上发展快车、正处于跨越赶超序列的铁岭市有大量的难题急待破解。思想解放激发了铁岭精神,铁岭精神转化为经济成果,经济成果又促进新的思想解放。通过解放思想,进一步统一思路明确目标。思想解放在于统一思路明确
Steven A.Epstein,Purity Lost:Transgressing Boundaries in the Eastern Mediterranean,1000-1400,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,2006,xiii+250 pp.近些
上世纪60年代末,阿尔巴尼亚政府代表团访华时,向我国政府提出一个庞大的请求援助的项目清单。周恩来非常委婉地拒绝这一难以承受的援助,对方很不理解。他们认为,中国是个大国,这点援助算不了什么。会谈陷入僵局,周恩来建议暂时休会,次日,他陪客人去看看我国农村的情况。  当天下午,周恩来召集外交部和公安部等部门开会,他说:“明天我陪他们(指阿尔巴尼亚客人)去大寨村参观,让他们受受教育,我们取得的成就是用艰苦