“S-曲线”和“C-曲线”目前都是等温转变曲线(isothermal transformationcurve)的简称。前者为欧美和日本等国家通常采用,后者则为我国及苏联经常使用。等温转变曲线是钢的过冷奥氏体恒温分解时,冷却时间与组织转变的动力学曲线,又叫“温度——时间转变图”(time-tempe-rature transformation diagram 简称T.T.T.图),常见的有二种(如图1)。首先研究钢的等温转变是 E.S.Davenport,E.C.Bain,Kearny,N.J.文章发表在Trans.A.I.M.E.90,117,1930年。文中
“S-curve ” and “C-curve ” are short for isothermal transformation curves. The former is usually adopted by countries such as Europe, the United States and Japan, while the latter is often used by China and the Soviet Union. Isothermal transformation curve is the kinetic curve of the cooling time and the transformation of the structure when the steel is undercooled austenite, also called the “time-tempe-rature transformation diagram” (TTT) There are two common (Figure 1). The isothermal transformation of steel was first studied by E.S. Davenport, E.C. Bain, Kearny, N.J., in the article Trans.A.I.M.E. 90,117, 1930. Text