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目前,关于“市场经济”的规范化定义并不多。比较典型的具有代表性的定义有八种: 1.通过市场机制作用来配置社会资源的一种经济方式。2.一种经济组织方式。在这种方式下,生产什么样的商品,采用什么方法生产,以及生产出来以后谁将得到它们,都要依靠供求力量来解决。3.有关资源配置和生产决策以价格为基础,价格由生产者、消费者、工人和生产要素所有者之间自愿交换而产生的经济。4.在市场联系中,通过竞争、价格波动等市场机制来调节生产和分配的经济。5.通过市场的供求关系,主要是通过价值规律的调节进行生产和消费的商品经济。6.是市场在配置资源中起基础性作用的经济。7.是以市场作为实现资源优化配置取向的经济运行的形式和管理方法。8.市场经济是指在这种经济中,资源的配置是由市场机制引导的。 At present, there are not many standardized definitions of “market economy.” There are eight typical representative definitions: 1. An economic method of allocating social resources through market mechanisms. A way of economic organization. In this way, what kinds of goods are produced, what methods are used for production, and who will get them after production are to be solved by the power of supply and demand. 3. The economy in which resource allocation and production decisions are based on prices and prices are generated by voluntary exchange between producers, consumers, workers and owners of production factors. 4. In the market relations, regulate the economy of production and distribution through market mechanisms such as competition and price fluctuations. 5. Through the relationship between supply and demand in the market, the commodity economy is mainly produced and consumed through the regulation of the law of value. 6. Is the market in allocating resources play a fundamental role in the economy. 7 is the market as the optimal allocation of resources orientation of the economic operation of the form and management methods. 8. Market economy means that in this economy, the allocation of resources is guided by the market mechanism.
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