
来源 :少年月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:puzz777
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暑假里,知了在枝头起劲地鸣叫,火辣辣的太阳高高挂在空中,把光和热尽情地向大地挥洒。我的心也像这天气一般充满热情,因为今天我就要跟爸爸妈妈去乐华城温泉乐园玩啦!来到乐华城门口,只见入口处排起了长龙,到处人挨人、人挤人,就像等待下锅的饺子一样。终于到我了,我迫不及待地换上泳衣,走 In summer vacation, I heard the tweet in the branches, the hot sun hanging high in the air, the light and heat to the earth to sway. My heart is also like the weather is generally full of enthusiasm, because today I would like to go to Leroy City Hot Springs Park with my father and mother! Come Leroy City gate, I saw the queue at the entrance of the queue, people everywhere, people, people Crowded, like the dumplings waiting for the same pot. Finally came to me, I can not wait to put on a swimsuit, go
兔子朵拉从森林精灵那里得到了一颗魔法种子。精灵说:“这颗种子的神奇之处在于,你希望种出什么,它就会长出什么。”“我该用它种些什么呢?,,朵拉歪着脑袋琢磨(zuó mo)着。
目的探讨严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)合并消化道出血的临床特点与影响因素.方法回顾性分析与比较我院收治的SARS患者中合并消化道出血者的临床资料.结果220例SARS患者中并发消化道出血20例,占9%,出血发生在病程的5~35d.5例有呕血或黑便,15例粪潜血阳性.经法莫替丁、奥美拉唑、立止血、凝血酶和输血治疗,16例7~10 d内出血停止,4例因SARS合并呼吸衰竭死亡.在预防性服用H2受体阻滞
AIM: To explore the relationship between gastric and intestinal microcirculatory impairment and inflammatory mediators released in rats with acute necrotizing p
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AIM: To detect the effect of acid fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) on apoptosis and gene expression of bax and bcl-2 gene in rat intestine after ischemia/reperfu
AIM: To investigate the relationship between encapsulating peritonitis and familial Mediterranean fever (FMF). METHODS: The patient had a history of type 2 diab