思路一变天地宽 机制一转活力大——衡水林业生态建设与产业发展状况调查

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近年来,河北省衡水市认真落实《中共中央国务院关于加快林业发展的决定》精神,抓住林业发展的历史机遇,解放思想,与时俱进,通过变思路、给政策、活机制、加大宣传与服务力度,努力推进非公有制林业发展,积极扶持龙头企业,大力发展平原高效林业,开创了全市林业前所未有的大好局面,一改过去“年年造林不见林”的被动局面,取得了“四个突破”:一是在造林数量和质量上取得突破。共造林300多万亩,其中丰产林200多万亩,造林平均成活率达95%。二是在民营林业上取得突破。近3年,全市造林共投资7亿元,其中民间资本、城市资本和域外资本6.1亿元,占总投资的87%。三是在集约化经营上取得突破。全省平原区万亩以上的丰产林规模造林20多片,仅衡水就占8片,占全省的40%。在重点沙区建成了20多个丰产林专业村、家庭林场、绿色庄园。四是林业产业建设取得突破。全市培育了林板纸龙头企业13家,人造板年产量达到了27.4万立方米,纸产量9.7万吨,年销售收入达到8.3亿元。 In recent years, Hengshui City, Hebei Province, earnestly implemented the spirit of “Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Speeding up Forestry Development,” grasped the historic opportunity of forestry development, emancipated the mind, advancing with the times, changed policy, and provided policies and living mechanisms Publicity and service efforts, and strive to promote the development of non-public ownership of forestry, and actively support the leading enterprises, and vigorously develop the plains of high-efficiency forestry, creating an unprecedented good situation in the city’s forestry, a change in the past, “every year without afforestation” passive situation, made “four A breakthrough ”: First, a breakthrough in the number and quality of afforestation. A total of more than 300 acres of afforestation, of which more than 200 acres of high yielding forests, Afforestation average survival rate of 95%. The second is to make breakthroughs in private forestry. In the recent three years, a total investment of 700 million yuan has been invested in afforestation in the city, with private capital, urban capital and extra-territorial capital of 610 million yuan, accounting for 87% of the total investment. Third, we made breakthroughs in intensive management. The province’s plains area of ​​more than 10,000 acres of high-yield forest afforestation more than 20 pieces, only Hengshui accounted for 8, accounting for 40% of the province. In the key sand area built more than 20 high yield forest professional village, family tree farm, green manor. Fourth, a breakthrough was made in the construction of forestry industry. The city fostered 13 leading linoleum papermaking enterprises. The annual output of wood-based panels reached 274,000 cubic meters with a paper output of 97,000 tons and the annual sales revenue reached 830 million yuan.
Background Catheter ablation (CA) and minimally invasive surgical ablation (SA) have become accepted therapy for antiarrhythmic drug refractory atrial fibrillat