China’s education experience offers valuable lessons

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  In September 2018, Senegal’s President Macky Sall, stood beside Chinese President Xi Jinping at the 2018 Forum on China- Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) to support the adoption of the Beijing Declaration Toward an Even Stronger China-Africa Community with a Shared Future. Senegal was proud to co-chair the FOCAC with China, a country that has, for a number of years, demonstrated its capacity to act with increasing dynamism as a true development partner for the African continent.
  Senegal’s robust economic growth and stable political system make it a highly attractive destination for Chinese investment, and the country takes a positive view of China’s role in Africa and welcomes China’s involvement not just in infrastructure financing, but in fields as diverse as tourism, medical cooperation and support for Senegal’s manufacturing industry. Senegal was the first West African country to formalize its cooperation with China under the Belt and Road Initiative, signing an agreement during Xi’s visit last year.
  Education is recognized around the world as a universal good that is essential for the economic and social prosperity of nations. Today, the importance of education is enshrined in the Sustainable Development Goals that have been adopted by the global community.
  Considerable progress has been made with the support of global actors such as Global Partnership for Education (GPE), and thanks to the knowledge and experience of countries such as China. Africa’s population will double by 2050. Unless there is a collective, concerted effort to address it, the number of out-of-school children can be expected to rise. Education is particularly important for countries such as Senegal that face the challenge of providing a growing population of young people with the necessary skills to remain competitive in a globalized economy. Investments in education serve to develop our human capital and contribute to growth in our economies.
  Senegal has, for many years, been committed to providing quality education to children and youths. The unwavering support that we have received from the GPE over the past 13 years has reinforced our own efforts and helped Senegal achieve real transformational progress. Consequently, the number of pupils who passed the national end-of-primary school exam has increased sharply, rising from 41 percent in 2013 to 52 percent in 2018. The primary completion rate has also increased.
  Chinese students perform extremely well in international assessments such as PISA or in the World University Rankings, and the Chinese government is well aware that investing in education is the key to economic growth and prosperity.
  For Africa, the Chinese model is an example from which we should learn as much as possible. Let us look to China’s Belt and Road Initiative, as well as to FOCAC and to the many philanthropic foundations in China that are already involved in promoting education at the international level.
  The author is the vice-chair of the Global Partnership for Education Board of Directors. He is also the Senegalese Minister for Water and Sanitation and former national education minister.
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新年都未有芳华,二月初惊见草芽。  白雪却嫌春色晚,故穿庭树作飞花。  时间的列车抵达2020年了。  这是具有重要意义的特殊一年,是全面建成小康社会和“十三五”规划收官之年、决胜之年;是實现第一个百年奋斗目标,书写人类发展伟大传奇的一年。  回望刚刚走过的2019年,国内外环境及经济下行压力严峻复杂,风险和挑战明显上升。但“中国经济是一片大海,而不是一个小池塘。”中国经济以强大的韧性与潜力,不惧
人物名片  梅立,男,49岁,九三学社社员,1992年同济医科大学医学专业毕业,到四川省人民医院参加工作至今。主要擅长富颈疾病及宫、腹腔镜的手术治疗,现任四川省人民医院妇产科生殖内分泌专业组长。中国援佛得角第17批医疗队队员,并任2016年-2018年援佛得角医疗队队长。  “这不仅是我个人的荣誉,也是整个医疗队的荣誉。”每当谈起获得“全国援外医疗工作先进个人”称号时,梅立总是谦虚地表示这份荣誉属
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图书是文化的重要载体,5000年中华文明沃土,诞生了无数传世经典。而在世界面临百年未有之大变局的当下,中国奇迹的背后藏有什么秘密?世界如何看待中国?中国又如何与世界沟通?中国文化如何更好“走出去”?解码这一切的秘密就隐藏在古老的文字中,承载在一本本著作之上。11月16日,在成都举行的2019年“一带一路”文化产业国际合作论坛暨翻译及国际版权合作研讨会上,参会嘉宾纷纷支招。  曾经缺失的认知  “国
The global economy is facing both expanding opportunities and rising challenges, including the increasing gap in financing needed for development worldwide. The United Nations Development Programme ho
“一带一路”是面向全球的开放倡议,其核心是践行国际版的共同富裕,先富带后富,实现共同繁荣发展。2013年以来,“一带一路”建设成果丰硕,在合作共赢共同发展共同富裕上取得长足进步,但也存在一些不平衡问题。为破解这一问题笔者提供以下建议:  第一,加大对亚、非“一带一路”相关国家的直接投资力度,推动“一带一路”合作转型升级。中国近年来向“一带一路”相关国家和地区注入了大量的资本,但直接投资存量明显少于
國际形势风云激荡,世界正经历百年未有之大变局。  面对不断蔓延的保护主义和逆全球化风潮,面对何去何从的重大抉择,中国以负责任大国的有力担当,推动共建“一带一路”高质量发展,推动全球治理体系朝着更加公正合理的方向发展,成为世界乱象中的中流砥柱。  坚持方向引领,推动构建人类命运共同体——秉持共商共建共享原则,倡导多边主义,推动各方各施所长、各尽所能,通过双边合作、三方合作、多边合作,聚沙成塔、积水成