Seed metabolomic study reveals significant metabolite variations and correlations among different so

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liujunqiang6455314
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Soybean[Glycine max(L.) Merr.]is one of the world’s major crops,and soybean seeds are a rich and important resource for proteins and oils.While “omics” studies,such as genomics,transcriptomics,and proteomics,have been widely applied in soybean molecular research,fewer metabolomic studies have been conducted for largescale detection of low molecular weight metabolites,especially in soybean seeds.In this study,we investigated the seed metabolomes of 29 common soybean cultivars through combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.One hundred sixty-nine named metabolites were identified and subsequently used to construct a metabolic network of mature soybean seed.Among the 169 detected metabolites,104 were found to be significantly variable in their levels across tested cultivars.Metabolite markers that could be used to distinguish genetically related soybean cultivars were also identified,and metabolitemetabolite correlation analysis revealed some significant associations within the same or among different metabolite groups.Findings from this work may potentially provide the basis for further studies on both soybean seed metabolism and metabolic engineering to improve soybean seed quality and yield. Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] Is one of the world’s major crops, and soybean seeds are a rich and important resource for proteins and oils. Whilst “omics ” studies, such as genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics, have been widely applied in soybean molecular research, less metabolomic studies have been conducted for large scale detection of low molecular weight metabolites, especially in soybean seeds. In this study, we investigated the seed metabolomes of 29 common soybean cultivars through combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. One hundred sixty-nine named metabolites were identified and subsequently used to construct a metabolic network of mature soybean seed. Among the 169 detected metabolites, 104 were found to be significantly variable in their levels across tested cultivars. Metabolite markers that could be used to distinguish genetically related cows cultivars were also identified, and metabolitemetabolite corr elation analysis revealed some significant associations within the same or among different metabolite groups. Findings from this work may potentially provide the basis for further studies on both soybean seed metabolism and metabolic engineering to improve soybean seed quality and yield.
摘 要:输入和输出是外语词汇习得的一个重要因素,给学生提供数量足、质量高的输入是提高教学质量的基础;同时,输出又会反作用于输入。因此,外语教学中必须重视语言的输入和输出。频率作用对于词汇习得起着关键作用。本文从追究高职英语词汇教学费时低效原因着手,结合高职外语教学的实际情况,就促进英语词汇习得提出了一些对策。   关键词:高职英语;输入频率;输出频率;词汇习得   一、现状分析:   词汇在
1 项目慨述rn1.1项目背景rn密云水库是北京市主要饮用水源,承担着市区居民80%的供水任务,目前密云水库的蓄水量不到总库容的1/4,而面对目前北京密云水库可利用水资源的严峻形
对话教学在初中英语教材中占有重要位置,同样它也是培养学生交际能力所不可或缺的部分。而英语课程提倡采用既强调语言学习过程又有利于提高学生学习成效的语言教学途径和方法,尽可能多地为学生创造在真实语境中运用语言的机会。因此,要想提高学生们实际运用英语的能力,就要给予他们合适的语境,让他们在语境中学习对话。那么,我们该如何去做呢?  一、导入对话  教师幽默的语言,和蔼可亲的态度,能使学生们处于愉悦的气氛
白茅(Imperata cylindrica)为铜尾矿废弃地的自然定居优势植物。以农田正常生长的白茅居群为对照,通过对不同生长时期的白茅体内氮(N)、磷(P)营养浓度,叶片硝酸还原酶和酸性磷酸酶活性变化等的研究,探讨铜尾矿胁迫下白茅在营养利用上的生理适应特征。研究结果表明,在不同的生长时期,白茅各器官内N、P分配存在一定的差异。在萌芽期,两居群白茅体内的N、P均主要集中于根状茎。在花蕾期、成熟期时
一、教学目标:  知识目标:  1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:fridge, table, bread, egg, glass, 理解并会运用单词及短语:cupboard,breakfast, a carton of 。  2. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型:Where’s...?/ Where are ...?以及答句:It’s .../ They are ...  能力目标:  
高中的学生入学不久,就会发现他们面临一个很严重的问题——阅读理解得分很低。究竟该如何提高阅读能力呢?笔者就在教学中的经验和学生的反映情况来谈谈。  一、文章的体裁  想提高阅读能力,就要摸清所阅读文章的体裁。阅读理解题主要是用来测试学生的阅读速度,理解能力和记忆能力。所以它们的内容广泛,体裁各异。就体裁来分,大致有下面几种:  1. 记叙文(即故事小说,人物传记等)  2. 说明文(科普类文章,说
摘 要:阅读理解是高考英语试题中分值最大的一个题型,在英语试题中占有重要地位。阅读理解得分高低,直接影响着学生的英语成绩,决定学生的高考命运。了解新课标对阅读理解技能的目标要求,研究获取高分的策略,有助于提高学生理解能力,增进学生学习英语的信心,最终达到获取高分的目的。  关键词:技能目标,阅读理解、高分突破、突破策略  一、 新课标对读的技能目标主要要求: 1. 能从一般文字资料中获取主要信