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电学实验设计是高中学生必须掌握的重要内容之一,也是实验练习中最难掌握的一部分内容。它难在学生解决这类问题时往往感到不知从何处入手。在教学实践中笔者体会到:应使学生懂得实验设计原则。那么应该教给学生什么样的设计原则?行家们对此说法不一,笔者认为:应归纳为4个原则,即要求做到所设计的实验线路尽可能达到:安全、精确、方便、节省。实验设计中,安全合理为第一原则,其次注意实验结果要精确,误差要小;第三要考虑控制、调整、计算是否方便;最后考虑节省器材,实验尽可能经济些。现就一道统考题谈实验设计四原则的具体应用。 Electrical experiment design is one of the important contents that senior high school students must master, and it is also the most difficult part of the experimental exercises. It is difficult for students to feel unsure about where to start when students solve such problems. In the teaching practice, the author realized that: Students should be able to understand the principles of experimental design. Then what kind of design principles should be taught to the students? The connoisseurs have different opinions on this. I believe that they should be categorized into four principles, namely, that the designed experimental lines should be as safe as possible, accurate, convenient, and economical. In the experimental design, safety and reasonableness are the first principles. Secondly, attention should be paid to the accuracy of the experimental results and the error should be small. Third, it is necessary to consider whether control, adjustment, and calculation are convenient. Finally, consider saving equipment and try to make the experiment as economic as possible. Now we will discuss the specific application of the four principles of experimental design in a unified examination.
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用信息加工原理分析,我以前的机械波的教学模式是:实践证明,献身教学效果不佳。最近,在认知心理学基本原理的启发下,我重新 With the analysis of the principle of informa