Effect of oral naltrexone on pruritus in cholestatic patients

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lieying97023
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AIM:To determine the efficacy and potential complica-tions of oral naltrexone used in the treatment of pruritusin cholestatic patients and to compare them with otherstudies.METHODS:Thirty-four enrolled cholestatic patientscomplaining of pruritus were studied.In the initial phase,pruritus scores during day and night were evaluated.Sub-sequently,patients were given a placebo for one weekfollowed by naltrexone for one week.In each therapeuticcourse(placebo or naltrexone)day and night pruritusscores were distinguished by a visual analogue scale(VAS)system and recorded in patients’questionnaires.RESULTS:Both naltrexone and placebo decreased VASscores significantly.Naltrexone was more effective thanplacebo in decreasing VAS scores.Both day and nightscores of pruritus decreased by half of the value priorto therapy in thirteen patients(38%).Daytime pruritusimproved completely in two patients(5.9%),but no im-provement in the nighttime values was observed in anypatient.Sixteen patients(47%)suffered from naltrexonecomplications,eleven(32%)of them were related to itswithdrawal.Complications were often mild.In the caseof withdrawal,the complication was transient(withinthe first 24-28 h of therapy)and self-limited.We had tocease the drug in two cases(5.9%)because of severewithdrawal symptoms. CONCLUSION:Naltrexone can be used in the treatmentof pruritus in cholestatic patients and is a safe drugshowing few,mild and self-limited complications. AIM: To determine the efficacy and potential complica-tions of oral naltrexone used in the treatment of pruritus in cholestatic patients and to compare them with others tudies. METHODS: Thirty-four enrolled cholestatic patients complaining of pruritus were studied.In the initial phase, pruritus scores during day and night were evaluated. Sub-sequently, patients were given a placebo for one week follow-up by naltrexone for one week. In each therapeutic course (placebo or naltrexone) day and night pruritusscores were distinguished by a visual analogue scale (VAS) system and recorded in Patients’questionnaires.RESULTS: Both naltrexone and placebo decreased VASscores significantly. Naltrexone was more effective thanplacebo in decreasing VAS scores.Both day and nightscores of pruritus decreased by half of the value priorto therapy in thirteen patients (38%). Daytime pruritusimproved completely in two patients (5.9%), but no im-provement in the nighttime values ​​was observed in anypatient. Sixteen patients (47%) suffe red from naltrexonecomplications, eleven (32%) of them were related to its withdrawal. COMPLICATIONS were often mild. in the case of withdrawal, the complication was transient (withinthe first 24-28 h of therapy) and self-limited. We had tocease the drug CONCLUSION: Naltrexone can be used in the treatment of pruritus in cholestatic patients and is a safe drugshowing few, mild and self-limited complications. in two cases (5.9%) because of severely traumatic symptoms.
AIM:To evaluate the attitude of primary care physiciansin the diagnosis and treatment of Helicobacter pylori(H pylori) infection.METHODS:Primary care physician
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这是一封信。  原谅我没有用传统的方式来给你写这封信,因为至今我都没有想好怎样称呼你。时光易逝,脑海中残存的只有小小的蓝格子衬衫、小小的发夹、胖嘟嘟的脸和那个小小的你。岁月无痕,我待你如初。我凝望着你伫立的方向,感觉你是那么遥远……  最近在听邓紫棋的歌,歌曲中这样唱道:“再美的花朵,盛开后就凋落,再亮眼的星,一闪过就坠落。”虽然你不是娇艳欲滴的花朵,也不是璀璨夺目的星星,但你仍是我心中的王者。 
AIM: To study the morphological positive expression of antrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)-synthesizing cells and ultrastructural localization and the relationshi