
来源 :中国食品 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w_r_c_h
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随着我国对外开放和航空事业的发展,国内乘坐飞机的人日益增多.高空环境气压较低,对人体生理机能会产生一定的影响,若飞行时间较长,有的人会引起消化功能紊乱.因此,空中旅行时要讲究饮食调节,需要做到以下几点: With the opening-up of our country and the development of aviation industry, the number of people flying in the aircrafts in our country is increasing day by day.However, the low air pressure in the upper atmosphere has a certain impact on the physiological function of the human body, and some people may cause digestive disorders if the flight time is longer. Therefore, air travel to pay attention to diet regulation, need to do the following:
(一)1276年5月,忽必烈统率元军南下。赵宋王朝遗臣在福州拥立九岁的赵是当了小皇帝并慌忙备舟由福州出逃,经海道奔泉州。 (A) In May 1276, Kublai Khan led his troops southwa
Objective: The aim of this study was to explore expression and correlation of Ezrin and survivin in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods: Expression of E
一、俄式烤馅饼1.制皮:和好面(数量随需要而定,用发面也可),揉匀揪50克左右的剂擀皮. First, the Russian baking pie 1. Leatherworking: Harmony noodles (the number as
原料:油发鲜猪蹄筋400克,鸡蛋清4只量,水发香菇、冬笋、绿叶菜各适量,火腿末少许,粗盐、味精、胡椒粉、葱花、姜末、葱结、姜块、鸡汤(清)各适量. Raw materials: 400g of
图一:主料:草鱼1条.配料:青椒、冬笋、香菇、葱、姜、玉米粉、鸡蛋.调料:料酒、盐、味精、胡椒粉、花生油. Figure 1: Ingredients: grass carp 1. Ingredients: green pep
波丝油糕原料:面粉250克,猪油150克,蜜枣100克,蜜玫瑰10克,白糖50克,清水200克,植物油500克,芝麻10克,冬瓜条20克. Ingredients: 250 grams of flour, 150 grams of lard,
原料:大葱白1000克,荔枝100克,羊肉(或猪肉)200克,大油25克,海米10个,白糖15克,酱油25克,大蒜、精盐、醋各适量. Ingredients: 1000 grams of green onions, 100 grams of