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梁能伟1974年5月出生于重庆万州。现任乌兰察布市文联秘书长。系中国书法家协会会员,内蒙古书法家协会副主席,乌兰察布市书法家协会主席。作品参加外交部暨驻外使领馆著名书画家收藏展、全国第九届书法篆刻作品展、书坛名家系统工程——全国千人千作书法大展、全国第一届大字书法艺术展、第二届全国行草书大展、全国第四届正书大展,纪念邓小平诞辰100周年全国大型书法展、全球书家同书奥运书法长卷、中国千名书家精品走进奥运场馆志愿活动、全国中青年篆刻家作品展、第二届全国代表书法家作品展、中华人民共和国第四届特殊奥林匹克运动会“情系特奥会爱心满中华”书画艺术大展(铜奖、中国书协、美协主办)、第二届“杏花村汾酒集团杯”全国电视书法大赛(获奖)、2004中央电视台书画年展(获奖)、林散之奖南京书法传媒三年展(获奖)、西泠印社首届手卷书法展(最佳作品奖提名)、西泠印社首届楹联书法展、西泠印社首届扇面书法展、全国百家扇面展等全国重大展览数十次,特邀参加第64回全日本书道展、亚太地区书画名家交流展,30余次获全国大展赛金奖。2000余幅作品被国家博物馆、中南海、外交部、中央电视台、2008北京奥组委等数十家单位收藏或作为国礼赠送外国元首。多次应邀赴韩国济州、釜山、庆州、首尔,日本东京、大阪、名古屋、福冈及香港、澳门等地办展,进行书艺交流。新华社、中央电视台、内蒙古电视台、文化部《新时期地方文化发展概览》《中国书画报》《书法报》《书法导报》《青少年书法报》《羲之书画报》《神州诗书画报》《书法》《书法世界》《中国钢笔书法》《青少年书法》、香港《中国书画艺术报》、日本《书道之光》等媒体专题介绍或发表作品、文论1000余件(篇)。 Liang Nengwei was born in May 1974 in Wanzhou, Chongqing. Incumbent Wulanchabu City Federation of Secretary-General. Department of Chinese Calligraphers Association, Inner Mongolia Calligraphers Association vice chairman, Wulanchabu calligraphers Association. Works Participated in the famous painters and collectors’ exhibition of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Embassies and Consulates in China, the 9th Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition, the famous system of calligraphies and calligraphers - the national 1,000 calligraphy exhibition, the first large-scale calligraphy exhibition, The 2nd National Exhibition of Cursive Writings, the 4th Masters Book Exhibition in China, a large-scale calligraphy exhibition to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping’s birth, the Olympic Calligraphic scroll of books and books from all over the world, and the entry of thousands of Chinese calligraphers into the Olympic venues. National Exhibition of young and middle-aged seal engraving works, the second national calligraphy and painting exhibition of representatives, the People’s Republic of ChinaThe fourth Special Olympics Games , The Association sponsored), the second “Xinghuacun Fenjiu Group Cup ” national television calligraphy contest (award), 2004 CCTV calligraphy and painting exhibition (award), Lin Sanzhi prize Nanjing calligraphy media Triennial (award) Xiling Yinshe Society’s first Hand Calligraphy Exhibition (nominated for Best Works Award), Xiling Yinshe’s first Lianhe Calligraphy Exhibition, the first Xiling Yinshe Society fan calligraphy exhibition, the National 100 fan exhibition and other major exhibitions dozens of times, special invited Plus back to the 64th All-Japan Calligraphy Exhibition, Asia-Pacific exchanges famous painting exhibition, more than 30 times by the national exhibition races gold medal. More than 2000 works have been donated to foreign heads of state by dozens of units such as the National Museum, Zhongnanhai, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, CCTV and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee. Many times were invited to South Korea’s Jeju, Busan, Gyeongju, Seoul, Japan Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka and Hong Kong, Macao and other places for exhibitions, book exchange. Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, Inner Mongolia Television Station, Ministry of Culture “Overview of the Local Cultural Development in the New Period”, “Chinese Calligraphy and Painting”, “Calligraphy”, “Calligraphy Guide”, “Youth Calligraphy Press”, “Xi Calligraphy Pictorial”, “Shenzhou Poetry Calligraphy and Painting” Calligraphy World, Chinese Pen Calligraphy, Youth Calligraphy, Hong Kong Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art, Japan Book of Light and other media features or published works, literary theory more than 1000 pieces.
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