
来源 :中国水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jasongoes
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按藓类植物所占结皮面积比例为盖度划分标准,采用变坡度水槽研究了不同盖度生物结皮对土壤抗冲性及黏结力、有机质、容重等理化属性的影响,探索了生物结皮理化属性与抗冲性之间的关系。结果表明:结皮容重随结皮盖度的增加呈不断减小的变化趋势4,盖度(苔藓盖度>80%)平均结皮容重比1盖度(苔藓盖度<20%)减小了16%;土壤黏结力、有机质、>5 mm水稳性团聚体百分比均随着结皮盖度的增加而增大。生物结皮通过本身分泌的有机凝胶体和多聚糖等胶结物质及菌丝之间的缠绕、包裹等作用,不但改善了土壤本身的理化属性,而且增强了松散土粒与土粒之间的黏结作用;结皮土壤抗冲刷时间随着结皮盖度的增加而延长,土壤侵蚀率随着结皮盖度的增加而减少,证实了结皮的形成和发育减少或避免了土壤侵蚀的发生与发展;生物结皮提高土壤抗冲性的作用主要表现在生物结皮提高了土壤黏结力与团聚体含量上。 According to the standard of cover area of ​​the moss, the effect of different cover bio-crusts on physical and chemical properties such as soil anti-scourability, organic matter, bulk density and so on was studied by using variable slope water tank. The relationship between the physical and anti-scaliness properties. The results showed that the crust weight decreased with the increase of crust cover. 4. The average crust weight of the cover (moss cover> 80%) was lower than that of 1 cover (moss cover <20%) Up to 16%. Soil adhesion, organic matter, and percentage of water-stable aggregates> 5 mm both increased with the increase of crust cover. Biological crust itself through the secretion of organic gel and polysaccharides such as binding substances and mycelium between the winding, wrapping and so on, not only to improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil itself, but also enhance the loose soil and soil particles between The erosion resistance of crust soil was prolonged with the increase of crust coverage, and the soil erosion rate decreased with the increase of crust coverage, which confirmed that the formation and development of crust reduced or avoided the occurrence of soil erosion And development; the role of biological crusts to improve soil impact resistance is mainly manifested in the biological crusts to improve soil adhesion and aggregate content.
以钙基膨润土为原料,经过改型、提纯、增稠改性等工艺制备出粘度值2000m Pa.s、d(001)值11.872、蒙脱石含量95%的高纯改性膨润土悬浮剂。通过在化妆品润肤乳液中的对比应用试