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晨光熹微,太阳从韶峰露出温柔的笑脸,给毛泽东铜像魁梧的身影抹上一道金色的光芒,湛蓝湛蓝的天幕上飘着朵朵彩云,韶山的早晨沉浸在一片美丽、静谧的气氛之中。韶山市邮电局局长凌卫国起了个大早,他心中充满了激情和愉悦。今天,他将参加全区98年一季度邮电经济活动分析会,并代表韶山邮电局汇报一季度的生产经营情况及全年经营措施。会上,凌卫国向市领导及与会者汇报了韶山邮电局今年一季度经营情况:邮电业务收入达到482万元,完成了年计划的30%,超产5个百分点,比去年同期增长56%,完成计划进度排在全省县(市)局第一名;邮政业务收入达到300万元,完成了年计划的33.3%,超产8.3个百分点,提前一个 Dawn Xiwei, the sun revealed a gentle smile from Shao Feng, Mao Zedong burly figure cast a golden light, blue and blue sky floating in the clouds, Shaoshan morning immersed in a beautiful, quiet atmosphere . Shaoshan City Post and Telecommunications Bureau Ling Weiguo played a very early morning, his heart full of passion and pleasure. Today, he will participate in the first quarter of 1998, the postal and economic analysis of the region, and on behalf of the Shaoshan Post Office reported the first quarter of production and operation and annual business measures. At the meeting, Ling Weiguo reported to the municipal leaders and attendees on the business operation of Shaoshan Post and Telecommunication Bureau in the first quarter of this year: the revenue from post and telecommunications business reached 4.82 million yuan, completed 30% of the annual plan and 5% over-produced, up 56% over the same period of last year Progress ranked first in the province county (city) Bureau; postal business income reached 3000000 yuan, completed 33.3% of the annual plan, 8.3 percentage points overbought, ahead of a
We discussed the possibility of studying crust anisotropy by analyzing azimuthal variation of the receiver functions and presented a technique for computing the
美国贸易代表佐立克在 2 0 0 1年的一次农业论坛中表示 ,台湾加入 WTO后 ,美国对台湾的农产品出口量会从目前的每年总值2 0亿美元增加到 2 5亿美元。佐立克表示 ,2 0 0 1年多
Surface waveform modeling has played an important role on many continental-scale studies of upper mantle ve-locity structure, but it was seldom applied to the C