“稳”调控 “进”改革

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2017年,宏观调控需“稳”字当头,供给侧结构性改革则需在新旧动能互促的良性循环中深入求“进”。我国国民经济已经以平稳健康的运行态势,奠定了“十三五”时期的良好开局,并显著贡献于世界经济增长。今年,在把握经济“稳增长”底线的要求之下,为应对复杂多变的外部环境,宏观调控需要“稳”字当头,多方面协调,供给侧结构性改革则需要在新旧动能互促的良性循环中,深入求“进”。“十三五”收获良好开局2016年以经济社会保持平稳健康发展画上句号,并奠定了“十三五”时期的良好开局。 In 2017, macroeconomic regulation needs to take the lead in reforming the supply chain, while structural reforms in the supply-side need to seek deeper progress in the virtuous cycle of new and old kinetic energy. The national economy of our country has laid a good start in the “13th Five-Year Plan” period with a steady and healthy operation and has contributed significantly to world economic growth. This year, under the requirement of grasping the bottom line of economic growth and macro-control, macro regulation and control need to take the lead and coordinate with each other in many aspects. The structural reform of supply-side requires new and old Kinetic energy and promote a virtuous circle, in-depth seeking “into ”. Reaping a Good Start in the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan In 2016, we will draw a conclusion on maintaining a steady and healthy economic and social development and laying a good foundation for the “13th Five-Year Plan” period.
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