发挥农村金融职能 支持发展“两烟”生产

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红河州发展“两烟”起步较晚,但近几年来在各级政府的重视下,红河州“两烟”生产得到了较大发展,现已成为红河州的支柱产业,“两烟”的税收已占全州财政收入的36%。这些年来,红河州农行顺应经济发展的需要,积极围绕红河州委、州政府提出的经济发展目标,紧紧抓住支柱产业,把支持“两烟”发展,作为信贷资金的主要投向,做好信贷服务工作。在国家实施宏观调控的情况下,千方百计地筹措资金,为烤烟种植、烟叶收购、卷烟生产提供一条龙的信贷服务,从而较好地支持红河州城乡经济的发展。 The development of Honghe Prefecture “two cigarettes” started late, but in recent years, under the attention of all levels of government, Honghe Prefecture “smoke” production has been greater development, has now become the pillar industries of Honghe Prefecture, The “two cigarettes” tax has accounted for 36% of the state’s fiscal revenue. Over the past few years, Honghe Agricultural Bank Co., Ltd. has responded to the needs of economic development and actively focused on the economic development goals proposed by the Red River State Party Committee and State Government. It has firmly grasped the pillar industries and supported the development of “two cigarettes” as the main investment for credit funds. Do a good job of credit services. Under the circumstances of the country’s implementation of macro-control, we have tried our best to raise funds to provide one-stop credit services for the cultivation of flue-cured tobacco, tobacco leaf purchase, and cigarette production, so as to better support the economic development of Honghe Prefecture.
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