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屈指算来,今年我们已是连续十次参加每年一届的中国焊接博览会了。我们深深的体会并感悟到展览会的作用与魅力,并受益匪浅。作为生产型企业,每当老产品改进和新产品问世时,总是希望市场能够尽快的了解,而展览会正是为企业搭建了这样一个舞台。各种产品在这里纷纷亮相,展示自己的风采。各个企业也都不失时机的宣传自己的品牌和企业文化。我们也不例外,每次展览会都会推出新的产品。短短的几天,我们在这里会见老朋友,结识新朋友,同时还收集大量信息,为我们如今生产出拥有全部知识产权的高新产品打下牢固的 As a matter of fact, this year we have been participating in the annual China Welding Expo ten times in a row. We deeply appreciate and realize the role and charm of the exhibition, and benefit greatly. As a production-oriented enterprise, whenever the improvement of old products and the advent of new products, they always hope that the market can understand as soon as possible, and the exhibition is just such a stage for enterprises. A variety of products have appeared here, to show their style. All enterprises have lost no time in promoting their own brand and corporate culture. We are no exception, each time the exhibition will launch new products. In just a few days, we meet old friends, meet new people, gather lots of information, and lay a solid foundation for us to produce high-tech products with full intellectual property right now
Hepatitis C virus(HCV)is one of the main causes of liver disease worldwide,and alterations of glucose metabolism have reached pandemic proportions in western co
本文通过SPSS在统计学中的实践应用总结,阐述经济管理类统计学教学中存在的问题,以及SPSS与传统教学方法相结合可行性和实际运用效果。 This paper summarizes the practica
Torque teno virus(TTV) has been found to be prevalent world-wide in healthy populations and in patients with various diseases, but its etiological role has not
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例1(2002年全国联赛试题)设二次函数f(x)=ax2+bx+c(a,b,c∈R,a≠0)满足以下条件:(1)x∈R时,f(x-4)=f(2-x),且f(x)≥x; Example 1 (2002 national league questions) Let the
【摘要】中学阶段地理学习并不受重视,中考地理分值偏低,还存有应试教育的弊病。学生自然缺乏动力,学习兴趣不浓,对地理课程缺乏积极的求知态度。如何提高教学的有效性,让学生把课堂学习变得有效果、讲效率和出效益,成了很多教师头疼的问题。向课堂要效率,提高教学的有效性也成为迫在眉睫的大问题。学生智力的发展,能力的提高,直接受学生学习兴趣的制约。  【关键词】培养 学习地理 兴趣  【中图分类号】G633.5