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从2000年下半年开始,国内玉米市场价格在主产区种植面积下调、产量下降、消费增加、出口趋旺因素的影响和一些突发因素的带动下,价格步步攀升。特别是进入12月后,在新玉米大量上市之际,玉米价格一反常态,出现了加速上扬的趋势,在不到一个月的时间里,国内玉米价格每吨上涨了100多元。目前,产区吉林的玉米车板交货价格从1月的每吨900元左右,上涨为现在的每吨980元左右,销区广东、福建的玉米价格最高已接近每吨1300元。对于玉米主产区来说,玉米价格终于在人们久久的期盼中伴着新世纪的曙光涨了起来,而且涨势迅猛。面对玉米价格上扬的市场形势,专家提醒要保持清醒,谨防玉米市场价格高位回调所带来的市场风险。这是因为:第一,此轮行情的上涨时间短,价格涨幅大。去年12月之前的玉米价格,一直是在利好因素的支持下稳步推高的;只是到了12月之后,在短短两周的时间里涨幅就达到了10%以上,可以说是一天一个价。这种涨升速度给人以一种根基不牢之感,可以 Since the second half of 2000, the price of domestic corn has risen step by step with the reduction of the acreage of production in the main producing areas, the declining output, the increase of consumption, the impact of the factors of export growth and some unexpected factors. In particular, after December, when the mass market of new maize was on the market, the price of maize went unnatural and showed an upward trend. In less than a month, the price of domestic maize increased by over 100 yuan per tonne. At present, the delivery price of corn carcass in the producing area of ​​Jilin from about 900 yuan per ton in January rose to about 980 yuan per ton now. The sales price of corn in the sales areas of Guangdong and Fujian was as high as 1300 yuan per ton. For the main producing areas of maize, the price of corn finally rose in the long-awaited hope with the dawn of the new century, and the rate of increase was rapid. In the face of rising market prices of corn, experts cautioned to be sober and beware of the market risks brought about by a correction in the corn market. This is because: First, this round of market rise time is short, the price increase. The price of maize before December last year has been steadily pushing up with the support of favorable factors. It is only 12 months later that the price of maize has risen by more than 10% in just two weeks, which can be said to be one price per day. This rate of increase gives people a feeling of insecurity, you can
辞旧迎新,龙去蛇来,亳州药市又在隆隆鞭炮声中开市了。过去的一年,亳州药市在中药材市场疲软的态势下,依然保持着繁荣与旺盛。新世纪里亳州药市会怎样发展? 一、货源供应充
据有关部门对食用油市场调查显示,目前国内外市场对三种特种食用油需求强劲,用量增多,以至价格不断上扬。 核桃油 目前国际市场需求旺、用量大,价格已由7.5美元/公斤,上涨至