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众所周知,从17世纪到20世纪40年代,英国皇家海军拥有这个星球上最强大的舰队。这三百多年里,西班牙、法国、荷兰和德国都曾先后挑战过英国的海上霸权,结果却都是同样的两个字:失败。二战结束后,随着英帝国殖民体系的瓦解、国力的衰弱,在短短的四十年时间里,英国皇家海军失去了昔日的辉煌,不再拥有大型航母,舰队规模也一再缩减,英国皇家海军从一支“全球舰队”沦为了一支“二流舰队”,仅成为北约防御体系内的一个普通组成部分。如果不是1982年的马岛战争挽救了不断沉沦的皇家海军,它还真不知道将会走向何方。冷战结束后,这个曾经不可一世的海上霸主猛然发现自己已经面对着一个全新的世界和全新的作战模式,改革已迫在眉睫。为此,1998年英国工党政府出台了《联合王国战略防御评审》计划,它对英国皇家海军的使命、任务、规模和结构提出了明确的指导性意见。这使经历了40多年徘徊后的英国皇家海军又终于从地区性防御力量回到了全球舰队的道路上来。在《联合王国战略防御评审》的引导下,英国皇家海军明确提出在2010年前后建立一支“未来舰队”。这支舰队将以2一3艘中型航母为核心、以未来攻击型核潜艇、45型防空驱逐舰和未来水面战斗平台来达成远洋作战及对陆支援作战、以“不列颠”级船坞登陆舰、“海湾”级? As we all know, from the 17th century to the 1940s, the Royal Navy owns the most powerful fleet on the planet. In these three hundred years, Spain, France, the Netherlands and Germany have successively challenged Britain’s maritime hegemony but the result was the same two words: failure. After the end of World War II, with the collapse of the British Empire’s colonial system and the weakening of its national power, the Royal Navy lost its former glory in the space of just 40 years, no longer owned a large aircraft carrier, and the size of the fleet also decreased repeatedly. The Navy has been reduced from a “global fleet” to a “second-rate fleet” and has merely become an ordinary part of the NATO defensive system. If it were not for the 1982 Falklands War to save the decaying Royal Navy, it really did not know where it would go. After the Cold War ended, this mighty sea superior suddenly found himself facing a completely new world and a new mode of operation. Reform is imminent. To this end, in 1998 the British Labor government issued a “strategic defense review of the United Kingdom” plan, which the Royal Navy’s mission, mission, size and structure made clear guidance. This makes the Royal Navy, which has been hovering for more than 40 years, finally returned to the global fleet from the regional defensive forces. Guided by the “Strategic Defense Review by the United Kingdom,” the Royal British Navy clearly proposed the establishment of a “future fleet” around 2010. The fleet will be 2 to 3 medium-sized aircraft carrier as the core, with the future attack submarines, 45 air defense destroyers and future surface combat platforms to achieve ocean operations and land support operations to “Britain” class dock landing ship, “Gulf ”level?
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