
来源 :森林防火 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lity1021
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我们在西德期间,对萨克森州、尤尼博格地区、雷罗勃鲁县和奥勒林业局进行了森林防火的考察。并观看大型灭火车的灭火表演和制造灭火药剂、灭火器械、通讯设备等,给我们留下深刻的印象,受到很大启示。1、有强有力的指挥机构和用先进设备武装起来的通讯系统州的护林防火指挥中心在州的警察局,把全州的林相和居民点的情况,制成录像片,需要那一个区的情况,一按电钮哪一个区的情况就出现在银幕上,如亲临现场一样进行指挥部署。无线电对讲机,通到各政府和林区的各个基层点,十分灵通。雷罗勃鲁县有两套护林防火指挥设施,一是县长直接指挥的,有一套通讯设备,一是由护林防火官员 During our stay in Western Germany, we conducted forest fire inspections in Saxony, Uniborgh region, Le Roblelu and Ore Forestry. And watched the fire-extinguishing performances of large-scale fire-extinguishing vehicles and the manufacture of fire extinguishing agents, fire-extinguishing equipment and communications equipment, which impressed us greatly and was greatly enlightened. 1. Strong command structure and communication system armed with advanced equipment State Forest Fire Prevention Command Center In the state’s police station, the state of the forest and settlements are made into video and the situation in that area is required , A push button which area of ​​the situation appears on the screen, as the scene to go direct command deployment. Radio walkie-talkie, access to various government and forest areas at all levels, very well-informed. Rayobuluo County has two sets of forest fire command facilities, one directly under the command of the magistrate, a set of communications equipment, one by the forest fire officials
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