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在中国社会主义现代化进程中,传统文化智慧,往往能够给予人们有益的启示。在当代中国,中华和谐思想与小康社会建设、社会主义和谐文化产生了历史与现实的关联性,它们具有互动的文化意义和文化价值。全面小康的社会,必须是和谐的社会,必然是和谐文化全面彰显的社会;和谐的社会及其和谐文化,必须以全面小康作为内容和基础。建设社会主义和谐社会,可以从三个方面揭示中国传统和谐思想与社会主义和谐文化的互动意义与现实价值:一是在宇宙观上,达到天人关系的和谐,换言之,使社会主体与自然客体保持和谐相处,做到人与自然的和谐;二是在人际关系上,达到群我和谐,人我和谐,换言之,使社会成员之间和谐相处,形成良好愉悦的社会关系,使人与人之间和谐,家庭之间和谐,单位之间和谐,整个社会都和谐;三是在人与内心的关系上,做到身心和谐,保持平和恬淡的心态,正确处理好正义与利欲的关系。 In the process of China’s socialist modernization, traditional cultural wisdom can often give people useful enlightenment. In contemporary China, the harmonious Chinese thought and the construction of a well-to-do society and the socialist harmonious culture have brought the correlation between history and reality. They have interactive cultural significance and cultural values. A well-off society in an all-round way must be a harmonious society and must be a society in which harmony culture is fully demonstrated. A harmonious society and its harmonious culture must take an all-round well-off as its content and foundation. The construction of a harmonious socialist society can reveal the interactive meaning and realistic value of the idea of ​​harmonious Chinese traditional culture and the socialist harmonious culture from three aspects. First, in the cosmic view, the harmony between man and nature is achieved. In other words, the social subject and the natural object are maintained Harmony, to achieve the harmony between man and nature; Second, in the interpersonal relationships, to achieve harmony between the group, I am harmonious, in other words, make the community members live in harmony, the formation of a good and pleasant social relations, between people Harmony, harmonization among families, harmony among units, and harmony among the entire society. Thirdly, in the relationship between man and heart, we should achieve harmony between body and mind, maintain a peaceful and tranquil attitude, and properly handle the relationship between justice and desire.
干部人事制度改革的目标是最大限度地调动大多数人的工作积极性。除了观念层面的改之外, 技术层面的改革似也不容忽视。浦东新区检察院在前一阶段干部竞争上岗取得成效的基础
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目的研究p21活化激酶1(p21-activated kinase 1,Pak1)对胚胎血管发育的影响,并初步探讨其相关作用机制。方法以组成激活型Pak1(constitutively active Pak1,caPak1)的重组过
在我国焊接设备制造取得巨大发展的今天,一个在近几年稳步发展、冉冉升起的焊接装备制造企业,也正在日益强大,成为我国焊接设备制造 In our country welding equipment manu
奶粉市場至少有50%的业务人员会在未来两、三年里惨遭淘汰。  千呼万唤的婴幼儿奶粉注册制不停出锅,热气还没有散尽,就有企业开始在打算精简业务人员。  我们接到了一个奶粉业务人员的电话控诉,说他从企业内部领导得知,公司正在准备大规模裁减业务人员。领导告诉他,逻辑很简单,企业有11个品牌系列的产品在售,以前忽悠婴童门店和业务人员,说这些都必保。但注册制出台,过不了几天企业就只剩下3个品牌系列了。原来有
我上小学时,有个同学叫张小胖,家在农村,经常带一种豆饼给小伙伴们分着吃。黑褐色的豆饼,吃起来香,咬起来非常坚硬,同学们用小手掰,有的甚至用砖头去敲,一人分一小块。没有分到的同学,就怀恨在心,从此不跟张小胖玩,以至于许多年过去了,彼此没有成为朋友。说起来让人捧腹,张小胖家在农村,乡下也没有什么好吃的,豆饼其实就是给猪作零食消磨的一种饲料。  嘴上有毒,这话听起来似乎耸人听闻。一份美食,给一个人吃,不