当阮璞夫人交给我一部由俞平伯和商承祚先生分别题签封面和扉页的阮先生历年所作旧体诗的厚厚一本结集《苍茫自咏稿》时,我十分惊异。这本诗集本身虽然不是学术论著,却从另一个侧面凝结着阮先生在学术修养上深湛的功力和雄厚的份量。 阮先生的旧体诗本为吟咏性情之作,但偶尔也写下不少论画的篇章,用以将自己研究中
I was very surprised when Mrs. Ruan Pu gave me a thick collection of old poems by Mr. Ruan, the titles of the cover and the title page, respectively, both by Yu Pingbo and Shang Chengxun. Although not a scholarly treatise, this poetic book condenses Mr. Nguyen ’s profound skill and solidity in academic cultivation from another aspect. Mr. Ruan’s old-style poem is a poetic temperament, but occasionally also wrote a lot of discourse on the chapter to be used in his research