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办公自动化的普及,新型信息介质和记录方式,不同载体、不同类型的档案的出现,迫切需要档案管理现代化。要实现档案管理现代化,就要面对现实,从实际出发,基础工作与尽快实现管理现代化并重,两者兼顾,互为作用,彼此衔接,最后达到统一,实现全面现代化。1.立足本职,做好实际工作。档案工作人员要立足本职工作,不能一提到现代化就抛弃繁琐的立卷、装订、填写目录、制作著录卡片等项工作。这是历史留给我们的工作,现实中还有许多接收进馆和在各机关档案室保管的档案需要整理、编目、二次加工、著录等大量的基础工作,等待着我们去完成,我们不能忽略这一事实。要想缩短现代技术和实际工作的差距,就必须发扬以往的兰台精神,以良好的姿态,努力完成业务基础工作,为实现档案管理现代化创造良好的条件。2.实现档案管理现代化必须解决文书档案一体化 The popularity of office automation, new information media and recording methods, different carriers, different types of files appear, the urgent need for file management modernization. To achieve the modernization of archives management, we must face the reality, proceeding from reality, laying equal stress on basic work and realizing modernization of management as soon as possible. The two sides take each other into consideration and play a role in each other and link up with each other before finally achieving reunification and achieving an all-round modernization. 1. Based on their own job, do a good job. Archivist staff should base themselves on their own jobs and can not abandon the tedious process of rolling up, binding, filling catalogs, making cards and other work as far as modernization is concerned. This is a history left to us by our work. In reality, there are still many basic tasks that require us to organize and catalog archives, secondary processing, and bibliographic records, and we wait for us to finish them. We can not Ignore this fact. If we want to shorten the gap between modern technology and practical work, we must carry forward the previous Lan Taiwan spirit and work in a good manner to accomplish the basic business work and create favorable conditions for the modernization of archives management. 2. To achieve the modernization of archives management documents must be resolved file integration
一只飞鸟撞死13个将军1980年9月,伊朗和伊拉克大动干戈,中东局势日益紧张,埃及总统召集了高级军事会议商讨战 A bird killed 13 generals in September 1980. Iran and Iraq
作为居住在三环路边上的一名成都人,最近一段时间我发现出行实在是一个大问题。政府为了治理城市汽车拥堵问题,因此在上下班时高峰期将三环路多座立交桥进行 As a Chengdu r
赵树理小说之所以能获得成功传播 ,主要得益于传播者与接受者之间的亲密友善关系 ,得益于传播者对传播内容的敏锐把握、准确编码及适时传送。赵树理小说传播的经验为直面市场
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