
来源 :山西农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yinmeng6112501
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伏蚜和棉铃虫是棉花生育中期两大主要害虫,给棉花优质高产造成很大障碍。夏县捻掌镇枣庙村农民在技术员指导下,利用中草药板兰根防治伏蚜和棉铃虫,既节约投资,又不污染棉桃,效果显著。180亩旱地棉田,平均亩产皮棉70公斤,为山区植棉提供了宝贵经验。 1.泡制方法取板兰根1根,用适量清洁凉水浸泡5—6天,即可配制成原液。或者用苦参和板兰根混合在一起闷泡3天左 Aphids and bollworm are the two major pests of mid-term cotton growth, causing great obstacles to high-quality and high-yielding cotton. Under the guidance of technicians, the peasants in Zaomiao Village, Twilight Town, Xiaxian County, took advantage of the Chinese herb Platanus to control the aphids and the cotton bollworms, which not only saved investment but also did not pollute the cotton bolls. The effect was remarkable. 180 acres of dry land cotton fields, an average of 70 kg of lint per mu, cotton planting in the mountains provides valuable experience. 1 brewing method Take Banlangen 1, with the right amount of clean water soak 5-6 days, can be formulated into a stock solution. Or mixed with flavescens and Banlangen 3 days with left foam
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