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一、体育投资经济效益概念的界定 (一)体育投资与物质部门投资一样需要考核经济效益 过去,一般把经济效益的考核局限在物质生产领域的生产活动中,而把体育看作非盈利性的事业,似乎经济效益与体育无关。社会主义市场经济理论的确立,使体育明确属于第三产业的行列。对体育的投资主要是用于增强人民体质、提高劳动者素质。而劳动者为生产力的第一构成要素。所以,用于培养具有强壮体质的劳动者的投资,在性质上与用在生产各种生产资料的投资一样,都是为发展社会生产力所必需的。由此可见,对体育的投资与物质生产投资一样,也是经济活动,同样存在投资的经济效益问题。 First, the definition of the concept of economic benefits of sports investment (a) sports investment and material sector investment needs the same assessment of economic benefits In the past, the general assessment of economic benefits are limited to the production of physical production activities, and sports as a non-profit Career, it seems that economic benefits have nothing to do with sports. The establishment of the theory of socialist market economy makes sports clearly belong to the ranks of the tertiary industry. Investment in sports is mainly used to enhance the constitution of the people and improve the quality of workers. The worker is the first component of productivity. Therefore, the investment used to train laborers with strong physiques, as is the nature of investment used in the production of various means of production, is necessary for the development of social productive forces. From this we can see that investment in sports is just as economic activity as investment in material production, and there is also the issue of the economic benefits of investment.
盐酸氯环利嗪乳膏为长效抗组织胺新药,其作用持续时间一般为12~18 h,能有效地拮抗组织胺所致毛细血管扩张作用和支气管平滑肌的痉挛作用。常用于接触性皮炎、丘疹性荨麻疹、
目的 :研究血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂依那普利和血管紧张素 受体拮抗剂代文对于庆大霉素 (GM)肾损害的作用和机制。方法 :雄性 Wistar大鼠 40只 ,随机分为 4组 :1正常对照组 ;
对28例练习疏筋壮骨功者3个月前后的部分指标进行了测定,论证了提高人体有关系统机能的方法及原因,为指导人们更好地练功提供了参考依据。 Some indexes of 28 cases of spl