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我再次讨论技术话题,大概是因为自己得出客观的结论不符合我的主观意愿,但愿这回能找回点平衡。——题记据说,现在的美院绘画美术专业都要撤消了,我不知是真是假,但有一点可以肯定,绘画技术教育不会消失,绘画的创意还会发扬光大,因为它已经变成基础课,被影视作品给覆盖了。IT业 I discuss the topic of technology again, presumably because it is not my objective expectation to reach an objective conclusion. I hope this time I can find a balance. - Inscription It is said that now the Academy of Fine Arts are to be revoked, I do not know if it is true or false, but one thing is certain that the technical education of painting will not disappear, and the creativity of painting will flourish as it has become a basic course, To be covered by the film and television works. IT industry
The electrochemical oxidation of L-cysteine in an SDS/BA/H_2O microemulsion system was studied with the methods of ultramicroelectrode cyclic voltammetry and AC
随着世界资本不断涌入中国,投资促进机构在我国经济发展中起着越来越重要的作用。在北京新一轮的规划当中,通州作为北京重点发展的新城区、东部发展带的重要节点,北京参 As
IntroductionRaman scattering is a powerful nondestructivetechnique that gives vibrational information about or-ganic and inorganic materials.Raman scattering fe
针对模糊综合评价不能反映体育教学质量动态变化的特点,从学生体育素质指标体系出发,给出了基于马尔柯夫链的模糊综合评价方法,并用实例说明了其可行性。 In view of the fa
A terylene membrane which kept pH>12 in cathode compartment was used to construct a divided cell with a carbon/polytetrafluoroethylene (C/PTFE) O2-fed cathode.
The structure of tubeimoside V (1), a new cyclic bisdesmoside, isolated from tubers of Bolbostemma paniculatum (Tu Bei Mu), was established by means of 2D NMR
Nonflame combustion technology (NFCT) is a harmonious energy utilization technology. There are not environmental-unfriendly gases such as NOx, CO2 discharged in