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台海两岸的中国近代史研究,均深受革命党视角影响,近年来,有学者试图以“现代化范式”作为替代的可能选择,却因其浓厚的美国化色彩受到学界质疑。也许包容多种脉络、多元化的理解视角,更可让近代史研究丰富化。若从北洋的视角来考察近代史,从清末到抗战,北洋派都是重要的政治、军事、外交力量,甚至在实业、司法、教育等方面,都举足轻重,这期间许多历史脉络的连续性可能远超过断裂性。北洋时期实不宜只被视为无足轻重的过渡时期。若能打破过去南北隔绝对立,以北洋与革命相对立竞争的史观,改以南北统合的视角来重新考查民国历史,可能会对民国史有相当不同的体悟。北洋视角过去长期被革命史观遮蔽,当务之急,应是刊布北洋史料,保留北洋视角,为北洋研究奠定档案史料的基础。 On both sides of the Taiwan Strait, the study of modern Chinese history is deeply influenced by the perspective of the revolutionary party. In recent years, some scholars have tried to substitute the “modern paradigm” for possible alternative. However, due to its strong Americanization, the scholars have questioned the study. May contain a variety of contexts, a wide range of understanding perspective, but also enrich the study of modern history. If we examine the modern history from the perspective of the Beiyang, from the late Qing Dynasty to the Anti-Japanese War, the Beiyang School is an important political, military and diplomatic force. It even plays a decisive role in the fields of industry, judicature and education. During this period, the continuity of many historical contexts may be Far beyond the fracture. The Beiyang Period should not be regarded as a mere transitional period. If we can break the historical standpoint of opposing the North and the South and opposing the revolution in the past and reexamine the history of the Republic of China by changing the North-South integration point of view, we may find that the history of the Republic of China is quite different. In the past, Peiyang’s visual angle was obscured by the revolutionary historical concept of history. It is imperative to publish the historical materials of the Northern Ocean and preserve the Northern Ocean perspective and lay the foundation for the historical research of the Northern Ocean.
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回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
本文以新疆野生蒲公英(Taraxacum mongolicum)为主要原料,对蒲公英全草多糖(Taraxacum mongolicum polysaccharides,TMPs)进行了系统的研究,包括多糖的提取、分离纯化、结构表征、生物活性等。主要结果如下:1.蒲公英多糖提取工艺优化采用超声提取法对新疆野生蒲公英全草多糖进行提取,优化工艺后获得最佳参数:超声时间63min、超声温度73℃、超声功率
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