Application of RgMap system on digital regional geological survey

来源 :Global Geology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zouximu19840420
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Digital geological mapping fundamentally broke through the traditional working pattern,successfully carried out the geological mapping digitalization.By using the RGMAP system to field digital geological mapping,the authors summarized the method of work and the work flow of the RGMAPGIS during the field geological survey.First,we prepared material,set up the PRB gallery,then put the geographic base map under the background maplayer and organizing the field hand map,forming the field factual datum map.At last,the geological space database is formed. Digital geological mapping fundamentally broke through the traditional working pattern, successfully carried out the geological mapping digitalization. By using the RGMAP system to field digital geological mapping, the authors summarized the method of work and the work flow of the RGMAPGIS during the field geological survey. First, we prepared material, set up the PRB gallery, then put the geographic base map under the background maplayer and organizing the field hand map, forming the field factual datum map. At last, the geological space database is formed.
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