Integral equation of relationship on the apparent conductivity and true conductivity in induction lo

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:perfew
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This paper investigates the relation between the induced electromotive force measured by induction logging tool and the apparent conductivity, and the relation between the apparent conductivity and the formation true conductivity. Assuming the conductivity in Green’s function to be the function of the field point coordinate, the apparent conductivity expression of electric-field intensity is derived using Green’s formula, and the integral equation has been established representing the relationship of the apparent conductivity with the true conductivity under this condition. The integral equation is analyzed and then leads to the conclusion that the equivalent conductivity is the apparent conductivity and the values of the apparent conductivity function contain the true conductivity, and the method derived the true conductivity from the apparent conductivity around the well axis is put forward. The validity of the approach given in this paper is verified through numerical calculation. On the basis of above means, the transmitter coil produces an electric-field distribution in formation at every point where the induction logging tool moves along a wellbore, and a number of the receiving coils obtain an apparent conductivity distribution; this is what induction electric-field logging is. This paper investigates the relation between the induced electromotive force measured by induction logging tool and the apparent conductivity, and the relation between the apparent conductivity and the formation true conductivity. Assuming the conductivity in Green’s function to be the function the the field point coordinate, the apparent conductivity expression of electric-field intensity is derived using Green’s formula, and the integral equation has been established representing the relationship of the apparent conductivity with the true conductivity under this condition. The integral equation is analyzed and then leads to the conclusion that the equivalent conductivity is the apparent conductivity and the values ​​of the apparent conductivity function contain the true conductivity, and the method derived the true conductivity from the apparent conductivity around the well axis is put forward. The validity of the approach given in this paper is verified through numerical calculation. O n the basis of above means, the transmitter coil produces an electric-field distribution in formation at every point where the induction logging tool moves along a wellbore, and a number of the receiving coils obtain an apparent conductivity distribution; field logging is.
本文针对高校篮球队的训练,从思想、基本技术、战术、训练周期等方面思考和总结了提高高校篮球队训练水平的方法和要点。 This paper, based on the training of college ba
转眼已经当了三年班主任了,时间虽不长,但班主任工作给我的感触却很深。班主任肩负着教育和管理学生的双重重任,要把学生教好,班级管好,必须不断地学习,转变思想观念,适 Bli