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在发展社会主义市场经济的大潮中,各级领导的工作十分繁忙。而大量的文件占去了领导许多宝贵的时间,成了领导者的沉重负担。据《四川日报》报道,四川省仁寿县委书记杨永源为文件过多而作难。在今年一月初到二月中旬的50天中,送给他的大量文件、简报、报告、资料等,使他感到按份数计算已相当费时费事,只好用秤来称。其中来自中央的文件1.3斤,占9.5%;省里的文件、资料0.35斤,占3%;县里的文 In the tide of developing the socialist market economy, the work of leaders at all levels is very busy. The sheer volume of documents takes the leadership of many valuable time and has become a heavy burden on the leaders. According to Sichuan Daily, Yang Yongyuan, secretary of Renshou county party committee in Sichuan Province, made it hard to file too much. In the 50 days between the beginning of January and the middle of February this year, the large number of documents, briefings, reports and information given to him made him feel that it was quite time-consuming and costly to calculate by portion and had to weigh it with a scale. Among them, 1.3 kilograms of documents from the central government accounted for 9.5%, while there were 0.35 kilograms of documents and materials in the province accounting for 3%.
在革命战争年代 ,广大群众 ,谁都相信共产党员是真正的革命者。他们活在世上没有个人的私利 ,为之奋斗的就是人民群众的解放和幸福。在改革开放的年代 ,共产党员还保持着这样
原发性肝癌(primary liver cancer,PLC)是世界范围内最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,其中绝大多数为肝细胞癌(Iaepa,tocelluIar carcinoma,HCC)。近半个世纪以来,随着医学物理学、影像学、
3月30日,武汉钢铁(集团)公司秘书工作研究会召开1994年度年会,会议报告了1994年度的工作,提出了1995年的工作要点。1995年要认真 On March 30, the Wuhan Iron and Steel (
AIM To investigate the clinicopathological features and prognostic implications of combined MYC and fibroblast growth factor receptor 1(FGFR1) status in esophag
AIM To study the clinicopathological characteristics of neuroendocrine neoplasms(NEN) on liver samples and apply World Health Organization(WHO) 2010 grading of