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在近几年,几乎县级以上甚至一些乡镇中学都已经配备了多媒体设备,一般由老师展示课件使用,在黑板旁边搭配幕布,可以大大减少教师板书量。但是完全用来帮助教学的设备也仍然面临着有的效率低,有的效率高,更有甚者会大大降低教学质量,那么,怎样才能让多媒体在教学中最大限度地发挥积极作用呢?我简单归纳为以下几点:首先多媒体设备以其操作灵活、信息承载量大、生动有趣等特点备受广大教职工的青睐,从这些主要特点可以很明显看出,多媒 In recent years, almost all county-level towns and townships and even some secondary schools have been equipped with multimedia devices. Teachers usually use courseware to demonstrate courseware. Beside the blackboard, the curtains can be drastically reduced. However, completely used to help teaching equipment are still faced with some inefficiencies, and some high efficiency, what is more, will greatly reduce the quality of teaching, then, how to make multimedia play a positive role in teaching to maximize it? Simple summary of the following points: First of all, multimedia equipment for its flexible operation, information carrying capacity, vivid and interesting characteristics of the majority of faculty and staff are favored, from these main features can be clearly seen that multimedia
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