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王风云,1949年10月出生,1975年7月毕业干华东工程学院(现南京理工大学)火箭弹专业。曾任河北第二机械厂科研所所长现任该厂总工程师,研究员级高级工程师。1992年开始享受国务院政府津贴,2005年被中国兵器工业集团公司评为“科技带头人“。作为第一完成人,他曾先后主持完成了“79式70mm手持反坦克火箭武器系统”、”一代40mm枪榴弹系列”(包括DQP1式40mm破甲枪榴弹,DQS1式40mm杀伤枪榴弹、DQR1式40mm燃烧枪榴弹、DQF1式40mm发烟枪榴弹4个弹种)、“二代DQJ03式40mm破甲杀伤枪榴弹”的研制工作。其中,“79式70mm手持反坦克火箭武器系统”获得1980年国务院国防工办重大技术成果二等奖;“一代40mm枪榴弹系列”获得1994年兵器工业科技进步二等奖.他曾担任“DQJ03式40mm破甲杀伤枪榴弹及引信”型号项目的总设计师,该项目获得2005年国防科工委科学技术三等奖和兵器工业集团公司科学技术三等奖,其本人荣获国防科工委一等功。这些产品不仅为我军装备体系建设做出了一定贡献,也为工厂带来了可观的经济效益。 Wang Fengyun, born in October 1949, graduated from East China Institute of Technology in July 1975 (now Nanjing University of Science and Technology) with a rocket specialty. Served as the director of Hebei No.2 Machinery Factory, chief engineer and senior researcher of the plant. In 1992, it began to enjoy government allowances from the State Council. In 2005, it was appraised as “Technology Leader” by China North Industries Group Corporation. As the first man, he has presided over the completion of the “79 70mm hand-held anti-tank rocket weapon system”, “a generation of 40mm grenade series” (including DQP1 40mm rifle grenades, DQS1 type 40mm killer grenades, DQR1 type 40mm combustion grenade , DQF1 type 40mm smoke grenade four shells), “the second generation of DQJ03 type 40mm armor destruction grenade” research and development work. Among them, the “79-type 70mm anti-tank antitank rocket weapon system” won the second prize of major technological achievements of the State Department’s Defense Agency in 1980; and the “generation of 40mm grenade series” won the second prize of 1994’s weapons industry scientific and technological progress. He was the chief architect of the project “DQJ03 40mm Armor Killing Guns and Fuze” project. The project won the third prize of science and technology of National Defense Commission for Science and Technology and the third prize of science and technology of China North Industries Group Corporation in 2005, Science and Technology Commission first class work. These products have not only contributed to the construction of our military equipment system, but have also brought considerable economic benefits to the factory.
  本文通过对 38例肝硬化门静脉高压患者肝组织中一氧化氮(NO)水平进行测定,以探讨其临床意义,现报告如下。1 资料和方法1 1 一般资料 本组肝硬化门静脉高压症手术治疗
患者,女性,85岁.因腹部剧痛伴呕吐3 h而入院.腹痛起始于剑突下,后蔓延至全腹, 伴呕吐数次,呕吐物为咖啡样液体。
AIM: To analyze the metallochaperone antioxidant-1 (Atox1) gene sequence in Wilson disease patients. METHODS: Mutation analysis of the four exons of the Atox1 g
The aim of this study was to investigate quality of life and applicability of the 10-item short form of the Nepean Dyspepsia Index (SF-NDI) in patients with sub