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今年一季度,随着国民经济持续高速增长和改革进一步深化,物资流通领域也保持市场活跃、购销两旺的好形势。多数物资的供需总量仍大体平衡,整个物资形势的发展是基本正常的。但是也有少数物资供不应求,造成进口成倍增长,价格加速上升。预计全年生产资料趋紧,价格上涨幅度将明显超过去年。一、一季度物资形势概况1.主要物资大幅增产,进口成倍增加,支持了经济的高速发展。今年一季度国民经济持续高速发展,国有单位固定资产投资增长70%,工业产值增长22.4%,推动了物资消费继续以较高速度增长。据对钢材、有色金属、建材和基础化工产品等16种主要物资的测算,l—3月国内消费增长16.5%,其中钢材增长34%,水泥增长33%,铜增长42.5%,使物资形势进一步趋紧。 In the first quarter of this year, with the sustained and rapid growth of the national economy and further deepening of the reform, the material circulation sector also maintained a sound market and a prosperous buying and selling situation. The total supply and demand of most materials are still generally balanced, and the development of the material situation is basically normal. However, there are also a few supplies in short supply, causing the import to double and the price accelerating. It is estimated that the annual production data will be tightened throughout the year and the price increase will obviously surpass that of last year. I. General Situation of Materials and Materials in the First Quarter 1. Major materials increased sharply and imports doubled, supporting the rapid economic development. In the first quarter of this year, the national economy continued its rapid development. The investment in fixed assets by state-owned units increased by 70% and the industrial output by 22.4%, thus contributing to the continued growth of consumption of goods at a relatively high speed. According to the calculation of 16 major materials such as steel, non-ferrous metals, building materials and basic chemical products, the domestic consumption growth in January-March was 16.5%, of which steel increased by 34%, cement increased by 33% and copper increased by 42.5% Tightening.
文章分析了中职学校旅游烹饪专业师资队伍建设的迫切性,阐述了旅游烹饪专业师资队伍建设现状和问题,提出了旅游烹饪专业师资队伍建设目标与策略。 This article analyzes th
《禅定荒野》  加里·斯奈德著  陈登、谭琼琳译  广西师范大学出版社2014年6月  世上有可行之路,也有不可行之路。后者不能称之为路,只是荒野,因为那只是一整片可去、却无人前往、无目的地的荒野。  《禅定荒野》(the practice of the wild)的书名,更确切一点,似乎应该译作“荒野修行”。在加里·斯奈德这里,日本禅也好,寒山白居易也好,既是一目了然的标志,也很容易成为一种遮蔽