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“以人为本”的现代教育理念,要求学校教育不仅要有科学性、人文性,还要具有艺术性。“真、善、美”理应成为现代学校教育的基本特征。时代呼唤我们增强艺术教育意识,树立大美育观。《教育部关于进一步 “People-oriented” concept of modern education, requires school education not only scientific, humanistic, but also with artistic. “True, good, beautiful ” should become the basic characteristic of modern school education. The times call us to enhance the awareness of art education, establish a large aesthetic concept. Ministry of Education on further
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On the 5th year of Qianlong,in order to stop the illegal mintage. And also for the sake of stabilizing the money value. The government began to produce the bron
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如何才能让QQ拥有的众多用户资源变现成真金白银?这家依托即时通信工具起家的互联网公司给出的答案是——扩张!尽可能地扩张! How to make QQ have a lot of user resources
在市教委教研室的指导下,第19届上海市中学生作文竞赛组委会于3月份作出新的决定:举行“上海十大校园写手”的评选活动。这是市级中学生作文赛事中的首创。从 70万中学生中脱
美国一家咨询公司宣布,在抢占九十年代国际市场方面,日本又使出了新招,即“灵活生产法”,而在这方面,美国公司比日本公司又整整落后一代人。 所谓“灵活生产法”是指企业根
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语文教学作为一种交流艺术,在传授知识的同时,也伴随着师生间的情感交流。可以说是在师生交流情感的过程中掌握知识,在掌握知识的过程中交流情感。情感是语文教学之魂,没 As