Macbeth's Tragic Fate in Macbeth —From the Angle of Freuds Personality Theory

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In Macbeth, the vivid mental portray and the ups and downs of the plot show us the process of Macbeth’s changing from a national hero to a regicide traitor. As a meritorious general for counterinsurgency, Macbeth’s lust for power is ever expanding. The personality of id, ego and superego fight with each other repeatedly, making Macbeth lose the control of personality, and finally leading him to a dead end. This paper analyzes the process of Macbeth’s personality transformation from the angle of Freud’s personality theory, so as to explore how the desire for power makes Macbeth lose his mind gradually and ultimately get self-destructed. In Macbeth, the vivid mental portray and the ups and downs of the plot show us the process of Macbeth’s changing from a national hero to a regicide traitor. As a meritorious general for counter insurance, Macbeth’s lust for power is ever expanding. The personality of id , ego and superego fight with each other repeatedly, making Macbeth lose the control of personality, and finally leading him to a dead end. This paper analyzes the process of Macbeth’s personality from the angle of Freud’s personality theory, so as to explore how the desire for power makes Macbeth lose his mind gradually and ultimately get self-destructed.
【摘要】在《到灯塔去》这部小说中,伍尔夫很好的掌握了对意识流的创作技巧,同时在现实与回忆,当前与过去的穿插描写中过渡自然。整篇小说从侧面展现出了莉丽具备了作为画师的灵活思维和丰富的想象力,充满着意识流的写作手法,同时作者也从另一个角度说明了伍尔夫本人所具备的缜密思维和创造力。  【关键词】意识流 《到灯塔去》 布里斯库  意识流是一种心理学的词汇,它是19世纪由美国实用主义哲学创始人、心理学家威廉
【摘要】本文以自己的一堂课第一次上课过程和经过反思后的上课过程为例,探究了在转换或递进教学内容时,如何进行流畅的连接。总结出了三点衔接流畅的策略,即导入提问要符合学生认知,问题要由易到难,环环相扣,重难点问题,准备铺垫性的问题,以符合学生的认知规律。  【关键词】问题衔接 转换和递进 引导和铺垫  目前,很多老师在阅读教学实践中往往会采用“三阶段”阅读教学模式,即在阅读课时一般要设计读前、读中和读
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