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编辑同志:我的好友刘志刚6年前与其未婚妻张晓婷登记结婚,婚后第二个月便购买了一套商品房,房屋产权证登记在刘志刚的名下。由于他夫妻俩都参加工作时间不长,手头拮据,无力支付全部购房款,刘志刚的父母便为他们支付了18万元,付款凭据由刘父保管至今。半年多前,刘志刚夫妇因相处不睦到法院起诉离婚,张晓婷的代理人突然提出这套房屋是她和刘志刚夫妻关系存续期间购买的,应当作为夫妻共同财产平分其财产权益。刘志刚认为,这套房屋的 Edit Comrade: My friend Liu Zhigang six years ago with his fiancee Zhang Xiaoting registration marriage, the second month after the marriage they bought a set of commercial housing, housing ownership certificates registered in the name of Liu Zhigang. Because of his husband and wife to participate in work time is not long, hand on hand, unable to pay all the purchase price, Liu Zhigang’s parents will pay them 180,000 yuan, the proof of payment from the father custody so far. More than six months ago, Liu Zhigang couple get divorced because of disharmony to the court, Zhang Xiaoting’s agent suddenly put this house is her and Liu Zhigang husband and wife purchased during the existence of the relationship should be equally as husband and wife share their property rights and property. Liu Zhigang that this house
四边形问题虽然概念很多,但中考中纯考查概念的问题并不多,大多是通过设置操作型、运动变化型、应用型、探究型、开放型等题目多方面考查学生的数学学习能力.本文以2008年有关四边形的中考题进行归纳.    一、动手操作问题  动手实践是学习数学的三种重要方式之一.近年来各省、市中考都在实验操作上增强了考查力度.  例1 (滨州市)将一正方形纸片按图1的顺序折叠,将最后折叠的纸片沿虚线剪去上方的小三角形.
随着高校自主招生试点范围的扩大,引起越来越多考生和家长的关注。本刊摘选了教育部、北京大学、清华大学等相关部门及院校信息,以满足广大考生和家长的需要。 With the exp
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端粒是线状染色体末端特殊的帽状DNA重复序列。端粒酶为一种核蛋白逆转录酶 ,以其自身的RNA为模板合成端粒重复序列。目前研究表明 :端粒及端粒酶参与细胞增殖过程 ,端粒酶活