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宣传思想工作的科学性和实效性,两者是辩证统一的关系。工作的科学性是实现工作的实效性的重要前提,而工作的实效性则是工作科学性的目标和必然结果。因此,可以说,宣传思想工作的科学性是实现宣传思想工作实效性的方法和手段,而要达到实效性必须注重其科学性。一、运用对立统一规律找准位置,确立服务中心世界上的一切事物,既是对立的,又是统一的,它们之间的相互依存、相互联系、相互矛盾和斗争,从而推动了事物的不断发展。政治与经济、精神文明与物质文明就是对立的统一体。恩格斯在致康·施米特的信中这样指出:“经济运动会替自己开辟道路,但是它必须要经受它自己所造成的并且有相对独立性的政治运动的反作用。”接着,他又分析了这种反作用所产生的各种可能性:①政治沿着经济发展的同一方向起作用时,这时的政治运动就会加速经济的发展;②政治沿着经济相反的方向起作用,这时政治就会阻碍经济的发展,“引起大量的人力和物力的浪费”;③政治可以阻碍经济向某些方向发展,而推动它沿着另一些方向前进。这就是说,宣传思想工作只有为经济工作服务,即沿着经济发展的同一方向起作用,才是科学的、有效的。在现代化建设的今天,经济工作已是全党全国的中心任务, Propaganda and ideological work is scientific and effective, and the two are in a dialectical and unified relationship. The scientific nature of the work is an important prerequisite for achieving the effectiveness of the work. The effectiveness of the work is the goal and the inevitable result of the scientific work. Therefore, we can say that the scientific nature of propaganda and ideological work is a method and means to realize the effectiveness of propaganda and ideological work. To achieve actual results, we must pay attention to its scientific nature. First, using the law of unity of opposites to find out the position and establish everything in the world of service centers, both opposites and unities, are interdependent, interrelated, mutually contradictory and struggling so as to promote the continuous development of things . Politics and economy, spiritual civilization and material civilization are the opposite unity. Engels pointed out in his letter to Kym Schmitt: “The economic movement opens the way for itself, but it must withstand the counterproductiveness of the political movements it has created and is relatively independent.” He then analyzed Various kinds of possibilities arise from this reaction: (1) When politics plays a role in the same direction of economic development, the political movement at this time accelerates the development of the economy; (2) Politics works in the opposite direction of the economy, when politics It will hinder economic development and “cause a lot of manpower and material waste.” ③ Politics can hinder economic growth in certain directions and push it in other directions. This means that the propaganda and ideological work is only scientifically and effectively serving economic work, that is, working in the same direction of economic development. In the modern era of construction, economic work has become the central task of the entire party and the country.
学会隐忍,你将会得到更多——    其实我们夫妻俩长的还很端正,儿子却有点丑。眼睛小,鼻子塌,嘴倒挺大。记得他小时候,我带他去学校玩,教导主任揪着他的鼻梁往上提,我莫名其妙,主任笑着对我说:“你每天提提,鼻梁就能起来。”后来说出去。成为大家茶余饭后的笑谈。  随着时间的流逝,儿子渐渐长大,然而岁月并没有为他增色。虽然长的又高又壮,尊容却难改。直到儿子悄悄照镜子。我们才意识到,儿子的爱美之心开始苏醒
由于脑主干动脉发生闭塞而未能获得及时、充分的侧枝循环,可引起脑广泛坏死、软化、脑水肿、甚至脑疝死亡。临床症状危笃,致残率、死亡率高。但由于脱水药物 Due to the oc
摘要:笔者依据平时生活教育理论,提出了中学地理教学生活化创新的基本概念,然后以此为基础分析了地理教学生活化的基本价值,并提出了具体的实践途径。  关键词:地理教学;生活化;途径  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)15-057-1地理生活化教学就是将教学植根于学生生活世界,即将地理教学活动置于现实的生活背景之中,关注学生现实生活,激发学生作为生活主体参与活